Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Ok, more questions. My RIR is broody. I guess technically she's a production red, never broody, bird. LOL! Anyway, I'm guessing she is normal but I have to make sure. Her comb is pale. She's super fluffy, even when she comes out of the nest box. And what comes out of her back end looks more like it came out of my 75lb Doberman. I hope someone will tell me this is all normal broody stuff. I also distracted her with mealworms and removed her golfball clutch. If this doesn't break her, she's going into the dog crate.
Ok, more questions. My RIR is broody. I guess technically she's a production red, never broody, bird. LOL! Anyway, I'm guessing she is normal but I have to make sure. Her comb is pale. She's super fluffy, even when she comes out of the nest box. And what comes out of her back end looks more like it came out of my 75lb Doberman. I hope someone will tell me this is all normal broody stuff. I also distracted her with mealworms and removed her golfball clutch. If this doesn't break her, she's going
into the dog crate.

Totally normal broody stuff!
In rare breed assortment can you get a gold laced wyndotte? I have one with this order and I'm not sure what it is. Could be an EE but has yellow legs, could be a barnavelder but does not seem to have a strait comb. Any ideas?

I vote GLW :)

Thanks! Good to know. Maybe I'll take a credit and see what spring offers. Also, are they just taking my word for this? Or do I have to prove they didn't survive? Weird question, I know.
I lost 9 out of 15 :/
They did not ask for proof, and even let me include one that hadn't yet passed, but was clearly on it's way out, despite efforts. Laura was who I dealt with as well. She was very helpful.
I don't think it was their fault I lost so was my first batch and I had 3 bantams in with the LF chicks, and it was January. On top of hat, the post office screwed up and just left them on my porch.
I lost 9 out of 15 :/
They did not ask for proof, and even let me include one that hadn't yet passed, but was clearly on it's way out, despite efforts. Laura was who I dealt with as well. She was very helpful.
I don't think it was their fault I lost so was my first batch and I had 3 bantams in with the LF chicks, and it was January. On top of hat, the post office screwed up and just left them on my porch.

What crappy circumstances. I can't imagine that. Right now the Wellie might be improving and I can't tell if the ameraucana is improving but she's not getting worse. I added honey to their electrolytes and water. I'm hoping it will help.
He's huge! Our rooster is 21 weeks old and I don't think he's that big. 

Yes he would be great just for the intimidation factor based on his size alone.

[COLOR=006400] sorry about your Leghorn, hope the Ameraucana pulls through. The chicks are adorable, and I love the names![/COLOR]


This one looks a lot like a barnevelder or golden laced Wyandotte to me! I guess you might have to wait a few weeks to find out! How exciting though! Very adorable!
lol ours are 4 months old and I am still unsure on our dark blackish birds.
I wouldn't mind one like that :) I love that blue-ish one. I don't have any blue in my flock :/
Thx. I'll get a pic as soon as her tail comes in. She is getting prettier by the day!!

The ex leghorn didn't make it. One of the chipmunk ones (SS or Wellie) and the blue ameraucana still aren't as spunky as the rest. The black ones (Americana, cuckoo marans, and light brahma) are going to be the trouble makers of the group. I'm disappointed in myself for not taking pictures. My first order had pictures taken nonstop for the first few weeks!
Awww, so sorry she didn't make it. I hope the others perk up soon. Do you have baby vitamins to give them?

Ok, more questions. My RIR is broody. I guess technically she's a production red, never broody, bird. LOL! Anyway, I'm guessing she is normal but I have to make sure. Her comb is pale. She's super fluffy, even when she comes out of the nest box. And what comes out of her back end looks more like it came out of my 75lb Doberman. I hope someone will tell me this is all normal broody stuff. I also distracted her with mealworms and removed her golfball clutch. If this doesn't break her, she's going into the dog crate.
Def. sounds broody. I found the longer I waited to put in the dog cage the longer it took to break them. But maybe my experience. Now as soon as I see it, into the cage they go.
Totally forgot about baby vitamins. Gotta get no iron, right? Heading to the store right now. Do I add it to their water?
I gave a few drops directly to them. The electrolytes gave my chicks really watery poo so I did the vitamins and Poultry Nutri Drench Probably the same thing.

Good luck. Yes, no iron
In rare breed assortment can you get a gold laced wyndotte? I have one with this order and I'm not sure what it is. Could be an EE but has yellow legs, could be a barnavelder but does not seem to have a strait comb. Any ideas?

I haven't finished reading all the posts yet, but I think she is probably a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. I don't think GLWs are on the Rare Assortment list.

Okay I just checked the website and ANY variety of Wyandotte can be in the Rare Breed assortment...Well I guess they need an ULTRA Rare Assortment then since SLW and GLW aren't rare at all!
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