Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

And just what I needed a nice Brahma hug!
Aw, so cute!

How did the sleeping arrangements go last night? With the new chicks around, they probably all need to work out a new pecking order. Poor Amelia, seems like she is destined to stay at the bottom. Maybe she has a sign (in chickenese) that says "Kick Me" on her back.
Here is my contribution of cute for the day. I picked up my two new Meyer chicks. Just in time, because tonight is my appointment to go buy a new turkey poult.

They are a Sicilian Buttercup and a Partridge Plymouth Rock. Meyer didn't have any Buff Laced Polish for their overhatch this week, so Anne from the store is going to keep trying for the next two weeks. After that the age gap will be too big. Not the end of the world if my chicken count stays one less, but I have really taken a liking to the idea of a BLP.

I already have a chick named Buttercup, and besides, I'm guessing there must already be a million SBs with that name. So the next best thing to my way of thinking was to use the name that the Sicilian called Princess Buttercup in the movie: Highness.

So here is Highness the Sicilian:

I haven't quite decided on a name for the Partridge Plymouth Rock yet, but I'm leaning towards Ella (Enchanted).

Can't wait till tonight to go get my Sweetgrass Turkey poult!
Aw, so cute!

How did the sleeping arrangements go last night? With the new chicks around, they probably all need to work out a new pecking order. Poor Amelia, seems like she is destined to stay at the bottom. Maybe she has a sign (in chickenese) that says "Kick Me" on her back.
They did fine. At about 5 pm I took Baby out, gave her some snuggles and threw in some fresh straw to keep the girls busy then I brought Clara out and observed. Amelia did a better job avoiding Clara and though she got right under Baby's beak a few times, Baby resisted the urge to peck and gave her a verbal warning instead. At night I encouraged Victoria to perch between Amelia and Clara as a buffer, she is always the last one up. Everyone is definitely a little more on edge, I think they realize the chicks are here to stay and that Morgaine isn't coming back.

This morning little Cornelia made the unfortunately mistake of crossing through the raised garden bed that Amelia and Baby were digging through to get to her sister on the other side. She wasn't quick enough and Amelia lunged at her and pulled a feather, Cornelia flew up into the air and ran into the pen, where Clara and Victoria were eating he little girls food, despite her freaking out the big girls left her alone, probably too surprised and I tilted up the pen and let her out. I saw Baby gobble down Cornelia's feather that Amelia had pulled, so savage. But most of the time the two groups avoid each other.

Clara this morning just before pecking Victoria, it wasn't too vicious though.

Here is my contribution of cute for the day. I picked up my two new Meyer chicks. Just in time, because tonight is my appointment to go buy a new turkey poult.

They are a Sicilian Buttercup and a Partridge Plymouth Rock. Meyer didn't have any Buff Laced Polish for their overhatch this week, so Anne from the store is going to keep trying for the next two weeks. After that the age gap will be too big. Not the end of the world if my chicken count stays one less, but I have really taken a liking to the idea of a BLP.

I already have a chick named Buttercup, and besides, I'm guessing there must already be a million SBs with that name. So the next best thing to my way of thinking was to use the name that the Sicilian called Princess Buttercup in the movie: Highness.

So here is Highness the Sicilian:

I haven't quite decided on a name for the Partridge Plymouth Rock yet, but I'm leaning towards Ella (Enchanted).

Can't wait till tonight to go get my Sweetgrass Turkey poult!
Cute cute cute! I love the name Ella and that movie. I have a friend who went by Ellla in high school that is now going by Dayni and it's throwing me off, lol, that was one of her favorite books. How exciting about the poult!

Question/request for anyone on this list who has Buckeyes from Meyer Hatchery, particularly hens or pullets, could you post some pics here please?
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Hopefully I clicked the right photo. On the right is one of my EEs and on the left one of the Cream legbars. No names thus far.

Better shot of the eggers feathering. They're a little over 2 weeks today
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So we moved the babies, two weeks old, out of the house and brooder set up and moved them outside in the small coop.

Here is a shot of the flock looking at the babies, the flock ran the other was and were rather freaked out by the baby chicks. It was pretty funny to watch, especially when my BF held one of the chicks, the roo made warning sounds and everyone ran.




Here is the new brooder set up.




The flock was curious once the scary babies were secured in the small coop. They milled around for awhile listening and just sitting outside the coop.

Ok so their first night outside the littles did pretty good, they are use to going to bed when we turned the lights off for the night when they were in the house. So at dusk they were still running around and when I checked them at 9 half where in the cave and half were piled up on the side. I moved them all into the cave and there they stayed all night, this am they were active and waiting on food. I figured a couple of nights of helping them all make it in the cave and then I am sure they will figure it out. They are adjusting to the natural light and will learn at dusk to go into the cave. I am very please with this whole set up and feel like it is a much more natural way to raise the chicks.

PS - we have given our Dark Cornish 8 eggs to sit on, she is a good broody. She doesn't take crap from anyone and gets off for eating and treats and then she is right back to the nest.
Here is my motivation for getting the new chicks:


She is a Sweetgrass turkey, 12 ish days old. The chicks were a little obsessed with the weird things she has growing out of her wings. After a while they left her feathers alone. All in all they seem to be doing well together.

I think my three babies are boys! No! How could this happen twice? Both hatches, three eggs hatch, all three boys. Ugh!
I'll have to get some pics, but combs are turning pinkish at 5 weeks. Very suspicious.

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