Meyers olive eggers?

Sorry. I'm not good with uploading photos, but I can give you a description of my Meyer Hatchery olive egger, who at the time of this posting is a 29-week old pullet. She appears to be a cross between an ameraucana and marans.

Feathering: solid black with a prominent green sheen (similar in appearance to a black australorp's feathers); muffs and beard; very light feathering on the legs
Comb: pea comb
Eggs: medium olive in color; large in size (2.25 oz); very round in shape
Body Size: medium/large (similar in size to a black australorp)
Start of lay: age 26 weeks, 6 days
Rate of lay: 5 eggs/week
Temperament: very skittish as a pullet; became calmer around people when she started laying; can be loud at times
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I purchased 2 Meyers Olive Eggers. I only have one left since I had to get rid of the other one because she was a bully. The one I have lays only modestly olive colored eggs. In fact I purchased Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers and Cream Legbars all from Meyers and they all lay the same colored pale green eggs. Very disappointed. And they all just stopped laying altogether this week!
I am interested in seeing olive egger photos as well. I have some arriving next week. Hatchery pictures seem to show them as grey, didn't know if that is mostly the case or if they vary like easter eggers.

Will post my babies here when I get them.

Just brought home my olive eggers! They are brown chipmunk pattern with yellow/orange legs. Will be interesting to see how their feathers come through.

Just by looking at what meyer is using to breed these, and pictures of chicks... Am guessing they may look more Welsummer?
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4 weeks old now. Was really hoping for a Marans cross breed, pretty sure it is welsummer mix. They are very skittish with me. But happy, healthy and curious. Hope they lay a nice dark egg one day.


My Meyer OE looks almost exactly like my welsummer, the only difference is the color. They have the same pattern, but the OE is darker and a bit grey. Mine doesn't have a comb, but I'm kinda bummed because I think they look kinda cute. Mine didn't start laying yet, so idk about egg color
Some have crests, some don't. The two I ordered from Meyer did not as they were EE/Marans crosses, but I have a friend that also has one from Meyer that is Legbar/Marans cross and does have a crest. My profile picture is my OE Nutmeg. She's all black, has been a wonderful mother hen and lays a super cute short and fat green egg. My second OE is blue and lays an olive, speckled egg. The pic really doesn't do it justice, her eggs are my favorite!

Love the egg! I hope mine is nice too, if be happy if mine was half as nice. I LOVE the brown speckles!
Mine came earlier this year from Meyers and neither one had a crest. (one is the black one tucked away and the other is the blue one who is also tucked away.... they hate the camera) Both had a bit of feathers on the legs but they grew out of them. The other two chicks pictured are my BLRW (brown) and Blue andaludian (blue with touch of white on chest, dark beak)

Here they are when they were about.... oh.... 8-10 weeks? The black chick stayed black and has a muff, clean legs, and a peacomb. The blue is about the same except she doesn't have a muff and she had a bit of barring on her shoulders.

Today one of them (most likely the black one) laid me this olive colored egg. I have a white and a mint colored egg there for comparison. I'm very pleased with the outcome considering I normally have terrible luck with hatcheries (aka Cackle) and although many of my chicks came with a bit of pasty butt, I was able to take care of it and it all cleared up.
Beautiful chickens and eggs! Love them so much. I'm so excited for mine too start laying.

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