

In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 9, 2011
Help! My chicken pen is infested with mice! I've tried snap traps (they get the bait and never trip the trap), the horrible sticky traps (they eat the peanut butter and waltz right off of it!). I do NOT want to use poison due to hazard to chickens, cats, children, dogs, etc. I go in every night after the girls are closed up in the roost and thoroughly rake up and clean out the pen. Does anyone know of any herbs that mice hate? These mice are the teeniest I've ever seen in my life.
Have you tried the traps that they walk into? They are a bit more expensive but they are already baited and set up, all you have to do is open the door. You know that you have one when the door is shut them you just throw it away!
I don't think I've ever seen those in the stores here. Do you know a brand name I could look up?

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