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HBH, what a proud aunt you are! Baby is so cute.
We lost power from the storm until mid yesterday, and cable was out until 9 pm last night. Downed trees and debris are all over the roads, a woman was killed a few miles from my house by a tree falling on her car and there were numerous houses that burned due to lightening strikes. I normally enjoy watching storms, but that was too much.

It looks like a beautiful first day of summer, happy belated Father's Day to all the chicken and children dads!
Happy first day of Summer!! It's looks to be a beautiful day. HBH... Congrats on the new baby. He's adorable!
Busy weekend. Grand daughter's birthday party in Lansing on Saturday. Yesterday, all the kids came over for father's day. Was a great day. Grand kids loved swimming in the pool and the food was great. Had home made ice cream bar. That went over big. Krisrose must have smelled the burgers cooking cuz she showed up for some goodies.
Nlancy, I have no idea how old those chicks are. I was going to ask my ex daughter in law but I forgot. I'll see her soon and I'll ask. 2-3 wks, I would guess. If school was still on I would ask the teacher.
Have a great day!
Boy it is quiet in Michigan today.

We finished the moveable roost today and got it installed in the new coop. I got the paint at Habitat for Humanity re store for a dollar. We had the vinyl leftover from years ago.

Good Morning!

Wild thunder and lightening going on out there right now-
I opened the front door so I can watch while I drink my coffee.

I hope you all have a great day- I have to go care for my moms critters before going to work. Her dog is afraid of storms so I really hope he is doing okay over there.

Morning guys. I've been busy this past week.
The farmers finally came and cut the hay field next to us late last night. ( around midnight) They wanted it cut before the rain came. There were twelve huge trucks, 3 john deere tractors, and two pick ups. It kept us up for little bit, but hopefully the mosquitoes won't be so bad now.

Cass is here, and she told me to tell Opa... Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the smoked chicken.
Well, I am going to try and catch a nap before I have to get back up again. It's still storming, but not as bad as a few hours ago.

Hillbilly -- I love love the movable roost. What a great idea. It is a lovely color as well!

I returned from a weekend away to find that DH had not killed all the critters. Mohawk, my RI hen with the bum leg, survived getting down from the roost by herself. Evidently she had me trained really well. All the new EE's and bantams were alive and well.

Have a great day BYCers!!
Wow, another big storm last night, but pretty morning. The ducks are loving it
Hope everyone has a productive day, gardening and weeding are number one on my list as soon as it dries up a bit out there.
Good Morning!

Yes it was quite the storm last night! Our dear friend called last night at 1:40am, he lives in Grand Rapids to tell us to batin down the hatches. Jon answered the phone and shut the windows and pulled the tractor and van around the outside chicken tractor, so the cage wouldn't blow away. The meat chicks and vorweks are in that coop.

We lost 2 chicks due to the storm. I am figuring trampled, as they were right under the heat lamp. One meat chick and one vorwek chick that the girls won at chickenstock.

On the up side, I don't have to water my garden

Nathan and I both woke up at 3:26am. A loud crack of thunder!
Nathan spent the rest of the night in our bed.

Off to work on cleaning the house. Have a great day and talk to you all soon.

We survived the storm this morning too! I felt bad for hubby because he leaves for work at 4 am and it was nasty at that time. He must have made it to work ok - I haven't heard! Another day without having to water the garden!!! So happy!!!

I am a little mad about something though! On Father's day we went to visit my husband's father's grave here at Milford Memorial Cemetery. In June, We had put up a shepards hook and hung flowers on it so that the grounds keeper wouldn't just weed whack the flowers like they do EVERY year (that's a whole different gripe! lol) Well, when we got there our hook and flowers were GONE!!! I was so mad! I figured it was the grounds keepers who took it down. Our friend had one up for her Mother too and that was also missing. Well, our friends were there on Saturday am and they were there and when we went Sunday am they were gone. The grounds crew won't work on Sat so it must not have been them. We called the township and the lady in charge said she drove through the other day and saw them and thought they looked so pretty. She went one step further and drove to the cemetery to the building that they put the things that they take down and said they weren't there. Some JERK must have come through and ripped off all of the hooks and flowers! What kind of animal would steal from a cemetery?? Hubby is going to weld a hook to a huge metal bar that we have and will bury that into the ground. I joked that we should hook up the hot wire to it! Oh well, that's my rant for the day!! Some people just plain suck!

Sorry to hear about your chicks, Wylie. That's too bad!
Wylie, sorry to hear about your chicks but glad the rest made it ok.
FFC, that just stinks that someone could even think to do something like that

I got the eaves on the new coop painted today
Oh, did I mention that I am terrified of being on ladders?
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