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I had to work during the storm friday night. I drove from one job to another during the heavy rain! It was dark when I got home to discover when I let my dog out a huge tree branch was down. I geuss I will have to drag out the chain saw! A lot of people lost power, I think I lost power at my house but it was back on when I got home from work.
Nice folks at Mooville, they asked us to bring some old tractors there for the day to display (they always have something going on there) and she made sure we had coffee, lunch and ice cream....all on the house. She wants us to come again, but we won't let her feed us for free the next time.

I was out watering in the greenhouse when the storm hit here....man did it come on quick! I ran in the house to help Judy batten down the hatches.

Found out that my pastor from years ago (he retired) passed away. He was one of a kind and I enjoyed his sermons, never found anyone like him since. He did the service when our daughter passed away in 1985, he'll be missed by many.

Got the truck loaded with stuff needed to go to the U.P. and build a garage and cabin addition, so I'll see you all in a couple weeks.


Yes they are nice at MOO-VILLE! The tour was great, I think it is the cleanest dairy farm I have been to. The business was busy the whole time we were there.

Took longer than I thought so we ran out of time to stop by and see Hill Billy Rooster. Hopefully next time. Rachel had a birthday party to go to and she was a 1/2 hour late to it.

Sorry about your friend passing away. Good Luck on the addition Steve!


Oh yeah- the family has 6 kids at Mooville. 1 son, then a set of twin boys, then a set a triplets- 1 boy and 2 girls. What are the odds of that! The triplets just graduated high school and the oldest got married last year. His wife gave the tour.
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We lost power at 11:30 p.m. Friday night and didn't get it back until 1:30 p.m. today. I had eggs in the incubator, luckily had three broody cochin girls, so I tiptoed out to the coop at midnight in my jammies with a basket of eggs. The three cochin girls are happy as anything to have eggs to brood. Those golf balls never would have hatched!
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Hey all have not been on in a few life has been a run away train for me sure wish I could hop off LOL. I was not planning on hatching this year long story short a friend sent me some hatching eggs from WV and so I set them. Did ok had the lock down humitity at around 65% how ever I had a lot of problems with the membrane drying before they could pip all the way around. I wasn't going to hatch again and then got a call from my neighbors that they lost most of their flock to something so got some local Isa Brown eggs and set them lock down is today does anyone have any suggestions on what I should try my humidity at right now I am waiting for it to get steady but want to know what I should aim for. Found out today that 2 more neighbors have chicks and something is getting them when will they learn to listen and put electric around their pens I don't know. We had a neighbors dog attacked by 3 coyotes in the middle of the day right in front of them they have a big dog so between the dog and the two of them they fought them off but that was only by luck.

Thanks for the help sorry to ramble.
I sure don't know what this waking up before 5am is all about but I might as well put on a pot of coffee. Hope has gone to work, and Granny won't be up until after 8am so I'm pretty sure I will have drunk the whole pot before she wakes.

Jean, it's amazing just how bold the coyotes have gotten in the last few years. Last summer I came out of the coop, in the middle of the afternoon, only to discover the largest one I have ever seen lying down not twenty feet from the run just watching. I spite of my running at him he just slowly walked away. Then in September I had a flock of bantam vorverks free ranging in the yard. One evening Hope looked out the window, swore, yelled coyote and ran out the door. Standing between the house and the coop was the same huge coyote. With her running and yelling he only reluctantly left, stopping every few yards to look back. Near where I had last seen the birds was a pile of long black tail feathers. I was certain he must have gotten one. Some of the birds had flown up into the trees and it took hours to get them all in. When I counted the birds I found they were all there but one now had an exceptionally short tail. I guess when he grabbed her he just got her tail and she was able to fly off.

I kept a 22-250 next to the door for weeks before I finally saw him again. Just before he disappeared into the brush I settle the crosshairs on his shoulder and pulled the trigger only to discover I had neglected to chamber a round. He didn't show up again until I was out of town and Hope spotted him lying in the field watching the chickens. I know if I didn't have my fences electrified he would have gotten them. I saw coyote tracks in the snow over the course of the winter and set snares on the trails. Unfortunely, he never used the same trail twice.
It must be something in the coffee, Opa! I have been an early riser too! Sure wish I could sleep in. I know what you mean about those darned coyote's. We have a big one that has returned to our yard many times. Even before the chickens. They just aren't afraid of us. I went out and yelled at it and it just stared at me. I picked up a big rock to throw at it to scare it away and walked toward it and it finally just meandered away. Steve just laughed at the fierce very pregnant lady stalking the coyote with a big rock! lol He was going to go get his gun when it left. You can hear them in the woods sometimes too. Kind of eerie.

Happy Father's Day to all of the Daddys out there! Have a great day!
Happy Fathers Day to those that have earned the day! Enjoy it!
My husbands favorite holiday today- he will milk it for all its worth!

My girls are leaving for nine days tomorrow to go to South Carolina with my mom- road trip! I will be caring for her house and pets along with mine. Her dog has such a hard time when she leaves, and he really doesnt like me. I hope he does okay this time. He's old, and he never eats when she is gone for a vacation, I think he has held out five days before. Hopefully he will be okay.
I hope they all have a wonderful time- my daughters have never seen the ocean, should be a great time.

Have a wonderful day everyone. I am off to take the dogs out to the field, let them run around and get some exercise.
AWWWW! What a cute baby! Enoy, they grow up so fast-don't they?
My little grandson(stepdaughers) is so much fun right now- I love that little baby.

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