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good morning byc, I love the radio thing, my neighbor uses one to keep the deer out of his garden. I guess since my garden is not too far from the chicken house I could get a double benefit running a radio. I will have to give it a try. My DD and I are going to a graduation open house this weekend, leaving the DH to do all the chores. I have new babies, and a hen with a hurt leg, requiring assistance to get off the perch in the morning. I will be a worried wreck all weekend.
I might have to try the radio thing, Opa! The "girls" might like it too! I went out earlier this morning when the sun came up and investigated around the coop. There is no evidence that those nasty little coons were trying to get into the coop.
It is just a bit unnerving to know that they were out there and not too far from the coop. I should try to trap them and get rid of them before they do try anything, shouldn't I?
anyone else notice that grand rapids is evaluating the rules of chickens in town. Its nice to see that some body is accomplishing the task of beating the system. Hopefully it works out for all. Channel 8 was covering.
Psychologists have looked at the relation between music and people's attitudes and intelligence many times. They have all been correlational studies, so there is no definitive proof that one is the sole effect on the other. All they really show is that musical preferences tend to be shared among groups of people with similar traits.
Because of confusion between what is correlational data and what is cause and effect data, people have misconstrued ideas about the different studies findings, like saying listening to rap makes you stupid, listening to heavy metal makes you homicidal, etc.

It all ends up a big shouting match with everyone in a huff about what music type is better, yada, yada, yada.
I run on a system of if I don't like it, I don't listen to it. If you like it, you can listen to it all you want, but I would appreciate it if you used headphones.

For those that want to know:
Cause and Effect: A high calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems, like obesity, diabetes, joint problems, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Correlation: McDonald's burgers have a high calorie content and many people who eat these burgers also live sedentary lifestyles with multiple health problems.
Where people get the two mixed up: McDonald's burgers cause cancer.
Man, it's hot out there!! Feel like the wicked witch that is melting, melting away! Gonna stay in for awhile and try to cool off a bit. Yep, there's laundry to do...good excuse to stay in. Stay cool!!!
wyliefarms>> Did you figure out the Private messages?

Hi, Yes, thank you. You would think that at this stage of life I would "occasionally" read directions. Then again, where would be the fun in that? Gotta run, work calls. We're already over a month behind in the fields.
Thanks Sarah... Jim
Hi all!

I have a fan on the meat chicks today. they are still in the feed trailer, the outside coop they go in still has bantams in it because of all the roosters that I got for free. Things shall change around tomorrow though

Rachel is home from her mission trip and had a great time. Gretchen will be home around 8pm or so.

Enjoy the weather!
Does it count if I never went to bed last night?
Well I did but soon as I was getting comfy the phone rang.
My neice was at the hospital in labor. I was the desgnated photographer. I still have not been to bed. My great nephew arrived to greet the world at 11:24 this morning weighing in at 7.9 lbs. He and mom are doing great! I even got to cut the cord!

Funny thing is his older brother arrived one year ago today at 11:25 am. What are the odds of that happening?

I will soon be heading to bed
LOL, I worked with the guy who laid the guitar sound track for rubberband man. He's a cool dude! We still keep in touch.

I slept in as long as possible today (had a vac day)! When I got up I decided it was too hot and humid to do anything but go visit my friend up in flint. Put 200 miles on my harley today and made it home just before the storms hit!
Definatly made for a great day though!

This weekend a bunch of my family is coming out from Nebraska to celebrate my parents 50th anniversary.... should be a good time.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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