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Good Morning All,

Can anyone tell m what's a fair price for a pair of show quality black silkies? The lady wants $50.00 for them. Sounds steep to me, but is that about right?( yes, I'm still on the hunt for a silkiebator)

Oh, now that's just funny. I should have read posts sooner. Looks like Nova and I are reading the same add. Lol
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I am not naming her after a food! we already have a steer named ''Pancake'', and I thought that it was nuts to begin with.

BTW, I would like one of your willow cuttings, just to see how it grows.

One cow named pancake, how about naming this one miss buttersworth! LOL!
Good Morning All,
Can anyone tell m what's a fair price for a pair of show quality black silkies? The lady wants $50.00 for them. Sounds steep to me, but is that about right?( yes, I'm still on the hunt for a silkiebator)
Oh, now that's just funny. I should have read posts sooner. Looks like Nova and I are reading the same add. Lol

How does she support her claim to show quality? Have they been proven or judged by an expert? It could be that she's spent a lot of time and money coming up with great birds, or she's just trying to pull a fast one. But, I've heard of people paying a couple hundred for one bird...so guess I'm not much help.
I have no idea? Too rich for my blood for sure! I'll just wait to see how my hatch turns out. If its as bad ad last time , I'll just look for chicks to start with. Thank-you for your input.
The price of a bird is based upon how rare it is and how badly do you want it. I recently sent a rooster to Oklahoma that cost the buyer $100. He wants to improve the quality of his flock and needed a show quality rooster to accomplish that. He had gotten a rooster from me last year but lost it to raccoons. He contacted me to buy cockerels or eggs to start over on his improvement project. To help him out gave him my spare, a 3 year old bird that is the sire to the rooster I am currently using. Shipping the bird cost just over $60 but he sent me $100 as reimbursement for shipping and a small token of appreciation. So improving his flock much sooner makes a rooster worth $100.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Farmer boy - [/FONT] That sweetie looks like a Gladys to me. :)

Raz - I'm sorry your neighbor is still being crazy. I bet it's no accident that her husband took that job in GR, lol.

Yesterday one of my 6 week old chicks got out of the growing run and had an unfortunate run-in with my hens. She has a huge gash on her head that looks so awful. She is eating and drinking and seems in good spirits today. Yesterday I put Neosporen on it - I have no idea if that was a terrible idea or not, but I didn't know what else to do... Poor little baby.

I'm still obsessing over ducks... I really like the look and egg-laying of Welsh Harlequins, but keep thinking Muscovies would be a better (quieter) fit for my neighborhood yard. I'm just not a huge fan of the red skin on their face... I'm wondering if it would grow on me or if I'd always find them a little uncute... What do you all think? Go with the breed that appeals to me, or go with one that is maybe a better fit for my house? Theron, you have Scovies, right? Tell me about them. :)
Looks like DH is getting an offer letter for the job he applied for. He had a tour yesterday. Just have to wait for the snail mail to arrive! Not sure if they'll accept his pay requirements yet (hope so or he won't take it). We're going to try to fit in a week vaca together if he gets it, before he has to start the job, cause he wont be getting any time off for a while, and will be working a ton of OT as well.
In the mean time he's making my farm signs for me on the lasers at his current job, while he still has access to them. I found 6 of these PVC sign boards, painted different colors at work that were going to be tossed. So I recycled them for our signs! I will be painting the letters white and either gold or black for the accent lines. The other boards will say eggs, chickens, turkeys and rabbits and our email, I'll hang them up as things become available.

Anyone over near the Allegan Animal shelter? OR want to adopt or foster a small dog? They got hit with over 350 dogs they seized (owner surrendered) Pomeranins, Yorkis, Shih Tzus, Chi's purebreed (just not well bred) and ALL combos . Male, Female, Pregnant moms itty bitty babies, some cats and a couple birds. http://www.woodtv.com//dpp/news/local/allegan_county/352-shih-tzus-found-covered-in-filth. So sad that a persons greed over comes their ability to properly care for their animals. I'll talk to my DH about looking into helping.

Raz, there is no way in heck that woman's DH is going to take any heat off you... cause it's not directed at him. Now we all know why he took the job in GR, to get away from her!!! IF there is anyway to move, that would be your best option. Sometimes you can't beat crazy at it's own game!
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Good morning!

Those are some great names, and some funny ones, maybe I should put up a poll?

I love tomatoes! We can 200 jars of tomatoes every summer, and always run out by the time the tomatoes ripens. One summer, my mom was too busy to do any canning, so I took over and canned over 100 jars in a few days with my siblings. She was very proud of us. This is how we can tomatoes-

1. Wash tomatoes
2. Cut the stem part off and cut up any that are too big to fit in blender
3. Blend them, skin and all.
4. Pour them in big pot. Ours is a 10 gallon pot
5. When tomatoes are hot, pour them in jars with salt and lemon juice
6. Put 7 jars in pressure cooker
7. After 20 minutes in pressure cooker at 11 pounds of pressure, release the steam
Voila! 7 jars of tomatoes! :drool
Repeat, 'til you runs out of tomatoes to can. :D

I also love raw tomatoes, esp heirloom types. :drool I dislike the hybrid types. :sick

I have been emailing the vet at MSU, and this is what I have to do with my chicks-
I have to wait 21 days before the chicks are old enough to be swabbed, then I have to send the swabs in the overnight mail to MSU to be tested. Then I will know in 2 weeks if the experiment works. That is 5 WEEKS total to wait for the results! :he
Holy moly, that's a lot of little yappers!

Daron, Tomatoes only need a water bath. They're acidic and the addition of lemon juice makes them more so.
On an unrelated note - anyone know how to get the stench of rotting deer anus off the head of a dog? Regular washing doesn't seem to be actually cutting it. Then again maybe it's just that whenever she sticks her head close to my face I imagine it buried.... um I think I'm just going to stop there.


Try baking soda, peroxide, and dawn liquid soap (mixed), which is what you would use to get skunk smell out. For the head apply it generously with a tooth brush to avoid the eyes. Rinse....and go at it again.
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