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I have a better plant for the border with crabby...Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It's been a consistent 82 degrees and 40% humidity here all day with a nice gentle breeze. It has been quite pleasant to be working outside. The veggie garden has been planted and extra plants and seeds have found homes in other beds and pots around the yard. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I'm still moving that triple shred mulch to the front beds but I'm taking lots of breaks. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I spent a lot of time in MO, northwest of KC at an auto plant there. It would get god-awful humid up there in the summer. And darn cold in the winter. But I still liked being there. It's hard to beat the KC restaurants and the Plaza.[/FONT]
Well, it won't be long now til I can count my chickens!!!!:fl
Today was a lazy day... Cleaned Treasure the map turtle's tank:sick  It was sooo stinky! Smelled like something died. I have to go get more carbon for his filter... He is very happy! Got a whole new setup for him. He has 5-6in of water now instead of 2-3in. He can still stand on his tippy toes and stick his nose out. Put a floating platform in there for him and a plant for him to hide in... Think I need to get him some more rosies to chase. Last time I think he waited for them to die before eating them:sick :sick . He begs for food all the time. You would think I NEVER feed him.:rolleyes: :lol:

RAZ...Everytime I think of/ see eggplants, I think of Coneheads...
Maybe if you grow one of these you could give it to crabby

Oh my! I gasped and then laughed out loud! Lol!!

Raz- it's 96 here with the index at 99!!! Needless to say we aren't doing Any outside activities! We don't have the little pop up pool set up yet.
Ok been awhile since Ive been on so Ill give everybody the down low lol. I had 27 baby chicks 2 and a half week ago but found a good home for 12 of them and now I have 13 minus one I lost the first week. Little Fred he Is the roo we got has a huge crown and starting to turn red the Leghorn are really friendly but the EEs are still a little skittish. And my kids and I named them all. So I'm gonna tell you guys and gals all there names here gos : Fred are roo, Brownie, Star, Sister, Snow, Spot, Dot, Mask, Owl, Diamond, Mouth, Tweety, and my 2 old 7 weekers are Pecky the roo, and Beautiful the hen. And you can defiantly tell my 2 older ones are teens cause my roo have the half squeaky voice and half adult voice its kinda funny. I'm gonna have to get pics of them they are so cute. I missed all you reading the post when I got on today there was 795 new post I haven't read to many to read so I apologize for not reading all of them and I'm also starting on the coop tomorrow and cant wait to.
chicks are so much fun
Well VJ, I don't know what to tell ya. Get that pool set up and grab a cooler of ice cold "pops".

It has gotten cloudy here and an eerie calm has settled in. Except for an occasional breeze that the weather vane says is from the north. I would kind of like to see a frog-0strangler storm come through, but I think is won't happen so I'm putting out the sprinklers.

You are welcome to come run through with me.
Want an ornamental fowl that doesnt pull its own weight, except for being a conversation piece? I can label one or two for you.

Funny you should ask. I was just sitting here wishing I had some thankless mouthes to feed.

Wait, no... no, that wasn't it.

The only reason i haven't given antibiotics yet was because i was unsure if they were needed, and if so which one. Most cases don't need them, looks like mine does. I'm not against giving her a penicillin shot, but my DH is deathly allergic to penicillin. Soooooo i was hoping for something besides???

I have been looking at ordering a product online called "bird biotic", (doxycycline) A little overkill? Do i have time to wait?

Anything beyond a very minor case needs antibiotics. If it doesn't heal after the first time it's cleaned up, it's time to up your ante or put the animal out of its misery. That pretty much goes for anything. Many strains of Staph (which is usually what causes Bumblefoot) are sensitive to Doxy so you can try it. That said, and I know I already said so, but IMNTBCHO your time to wait on anything has long, long, long, long, long, long since passed. I would go to your local TSC and see what they have. Some stores carry several types of antibiotic.
Well VJ, I don't know what to tell ya. Get that pool set up and grab a cooler of ice cold "pops". 

It has gotten cloudy here and an eerie calm has settled in. Except for an occasional breeze that the weather vane says is from the north. I would kind of like to see a frog-0strangler storm come through, but I think is won't happen so I'm putting out the sprinklers. 

You are welcome to come run through with me.  :weee :weee :weee

I do love a good run in the sprinkler! Actually that reminds me, would chickens appreciate a sprinkler on hot days like this or is that just imposing human thoughts on animals? :/
Funny you should ask. I was just sitting here wishing I had some thankless mouthes to feed.
Doesn't that describe children?

I do love a good run in the sprinkler! Actually that reminds me, would chickens appreciate a sprinkler on hot days like this or is that just imposing human thoughts on animals?
I think it's called "anthropomorphism" when we humans try to give our characteristics to animals. I'm not sure that my chickens like to run through the sprinkler, but they do seem to appreciate the worms that come up when the sprinkler is on.

Anything beyond a very minor case needs antibiotics. If it doesn't heal after the first time it's cleaned up, it's time to up your ante or put the animal out of its misery. That pretty much goes for anything. Many strains of Staph (which is usually what causes Bumblefoot) are sensitive to Doxy so you can try it. That said, and I know I already said so, but IMNTBCHO your time to wait on anything has long, long, long, long, long, long since passed. I would go to your local TSC and see what they have. Some stores carry several types of antibiotic.
Not sure what is close to you or open this weekend Fuzzybutt Love but Petsmart also has Erythromycin and Tetracycline in the Bird Section. Good luck!
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