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We did not do anything special for our hen with a hernia.
When our chickens had a tropical parasite (from rats on the island - it's paradise, oh yeah
) we had to dose her more than once and follow it with an antibiotic and probiotic because bacteria/parasites just pool in the hernia pocket and doesn't clear as well as it does with a
'normal' chicken gut but that was only once. Our hen was a Rhode Island Red and she and her two sisters lived to be 5 years old. They all died about the same time.
Other than that, we never separated her and we gave free access to lay crumble and free ranged daily. Our friend at Three Ring Ranch Animal Sanctuary in Kona said that making sure she had grass/roughage was the key, but hey, she was fine for 5 years with one bump in the road when the hens got a parasite..... not a bad life for a hen. She acted the same as everyone else too. J

eta- she was a pretty good layer too. in her last couple years she would lay a soft shell egg occasionally.
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Now- RaZ what is MBG? And sure! Im up for you chicken transporting if youd like..if it works for Nigellas..
matthaei botanical gardens (it's near my house and Raz works there - it's our chicken exchange spot, lol). :)
Actually... would it be ok if we waited a few weeks? I was thinking I'd pair her up with one of the Faverolle chicks until she moves in with the big girls, (so she's not lonely) but they are with mom for a few more weeks. Though if you are hoping to move her out sooner I totally understand and can make it work.
(ps, Thanks, Randy, for the transport offer!)
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It's time to think about some serious horizontal body positioning. Sunrise will be here before you know it and I wan't to fire up the smoker by 6am. Six chickens are currently soaking quietly in a brown sugar and salt water bath. Six racks of ribs and a pork loin hav been masaged with a spicy rub. Now they lie in the refrigerator til morning. Many hours of slow slow cooking, with a gentle application of wood smoke, should result in a flavorful product. Hope's two sons, their wives and kids, and several more of her extended family are coming for dinner and they should go away comfortably sated.
Ignorance is a temporary condition that is easily corrected with education. Stupidity is a permanent state that is willfully entered by the ignorant that choose not to be educated.
???? I am hoping i fell into the "chose to be educated"? My main worry was that in dealing with staph, i DON'T want to use too weak an antibiotic, and create an antibiotic resistant strain............................ That and somehow poisoning DH (deathly allergic to anything "cillin") But yes, i will get something asap. Probably the shots, because i don't want to put anything in the main water, she's the only one that needs it. She isn't acting sickly or anything, just mad at the daily bandaging.
Last night, after I logged off, I thought I would read for a few minutes before calling it a night. The first thing I knew I was deeply involved in the book and read the entire book. While 5am has came painfully soon, I can now recommend a very good book. "One Summer" by David Baldacci. An excellent tale for those who are a romantic at heart.

Time to load the smoker. Once that is done I can take a much needed nap. A pan of saw dust takes about 1 1/2 hours to finish and that iust about the amount of time a nap should have; especially if I repeat it a couple of times.

Of course the coffee is on so come on in and have a cup with me before starting your day in earnest. A cup of coffee in the company of friends sure is a good way to start off the day. One of the things I missed while out of town was the mornings spent discovering all that had occurred in the realm of chickendom.
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Stormed here yesterday, even had some hail for a while. But I did get some pictures of the coop build.

The building was used as a sauna YEARS ago. It was so dark, dirty and scary I had never been in it fully.
It had two walls in it as well as a ceiling with insulation in the ceiling and half of the walls.
And it was next door on our property. My DH used a SkyTrak to pick it up and carry it over to the new location
here at Mom's. It was so funny seeing a building swinging from a strap down the road. Joked that it was
going to be called Auntie Em's Hen House (Wizard of Oz), but I already picked out a name years ago.

I gutted the whole thing, power washed inside and out. DH raised the ceiling rafters.
The floor is built up off the ground. Utilized the concrete block foundation and other concrete blocks
to support the 2x4 floor supports. Had to choose between drainage or predator barrier.
I will be doing more cleaning more often, but that's fine.
Much of the wood was re-purposed from the building or just laying around.
Just now needing to buy new wood, mostly for the hip roof DH is building.
The roofing material was laying in the field down the road, so had DH ask if they were using it.
Free material! I buy paint at Menards, Home Depot, Lowes... anywhere they mix paint will have
cans of Oopsies. Menards in TC sells them for $5 a gallon, priced way better than the Habitat store.

In the above pic, you can see the pop door I made on the inside slides up and down to close.
On the outside, the pop door is hinged. When open, it becomes the ramp. In the winter with
really bad weather I can close it up too with a hook. It should block out more of the drafts
since there is a small space around the inside door. Also double level of protection against
predators, if needed.

In this picture I am trying to show how I utilized the high tensile fence wire on the edges of the netting.
It also worked great to join two pieces of cloth together. Just laid the two pieces together and ran the wire
in and out thru the edge, then opened up flat. No sharp edges. I ripped a lot of 2x4s. When constructing walls,
and where practicable, the wire walls screwed in between the ripped 2x4s.

The plan is to have 4 separate pens - left and right will mirror each other, front and back
will be nearly identical. Storage space will be located up front either side of the door.
Will have to walk thru the front pen to get into the back pen, but seemed to be the best use of the space.

It is a work in progress, but at least right now it is predator safe, tho I wouldn't want our
local Yogi to test it. LOL! I have 2 windows to install that I bought from an estate sale ($2) and am keeping
my eyes open for more to get even more needed ventilation going, but not rushing it either for now.
Wednesday's low is saying 39, and since the 3 week old babies are out in the brooder in the pen with a light, well,
like I said, not rushing things.

And the name for it that I picked out years ago...

Chez Poulet
matthaei botanical gardens (it's near my house and Raz works there - it's our chicken exchange spot, lol). :)
Actually... would it be ok if we waited a few weeks? I was thinking I'd pair her up with one of the Faverolle chicks until she moves in with the big girls, (so she's not lonely) but they are with mom for a few more weeks. Though if you are hoping to move her out sooner I totally understand and can make it work.
(ps, Thanks, Randy, for the transport offer!)

Thats fine, she is running with all her buddies now. No harm sticking around. Chicken stock is in a just a few weeks anyhow. If you want her sooner than that- Randy knows where I live, lol- just let me know.

Good Morning everyone.
I forgot I was out of coffee until laying in bed last night. SO, I am going to make a run to McDonalds and get some. Hope you all have a wonderful day-
and Sam, lucky your family that gets to enjoy your smoked chicken!!!!! I hope your day is fabulous.

Brethren - fabulous use of an old building and wow what a cool coop!!! Good job and Congrats!
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UGH. Another of my Javas is broody. They are great moms, but I'm so over the constant state of broodiness all summer long. Anyone want a Mottled Java? lol
UGH. Another of my Javas is broody. They are great moms, but I'm so over the constant state of broodiness all summer long. Anyone want a Mottled Java? lol
I have constant stages of broody here, as well. My girls alternate whose turn it is..I think they should all go broody on the same day, then be done with it at the same time for the summer.
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