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Last time you were here, my yard was just a muddy barren plain...

LOOK! See the green growing? Yay for green! AND I think I changed my mind about this pine tree..it may have to be pulled out.

I tore the rest of this brick retaining wall down and put it in the next picture..

here: But I need some idea of what to put in the middle here. Do I do grass? I really dont want grass. What I really want is a ground cover that will fill in and be walkable. Grass cant be the only thing.
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Wow Mom2Em that looks gorgeous! I remember the pics from before, what a change! (and what a heck of a lot of work - nice job!)
Looks great Mom2em!
Thanks Eeyore and everyone..yep, old shots show what a barren waste land it was..

ahhh haaahaaaa. you might be a redneck if your husband sets up a deer target in your backyard, and you incorporate it into the landscape...
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M2 - If you go to a garden center they sell plants that are "walkables". The tags even tell you how much traffic they can take -- light, medium, heavy, etc. Some pea stone might even look nice there, too.
Thanks Olive, it doesnt have to take much walking..its my space- most I do is walk over there to that bench- well, I DID,,,^$&%$ bench busted yesterday and almost decapitated me. Needs new wood in the back of it *okay, the whole thing needs new wood, but the back broke*.
Kids call that area, "Moms secret garden"- its my fenced off spot for me to decompress, reflect, watch the chickens..nap,even. No Bubba the turtle, no dogs allowed in there..and now, no chickens allowed either.
The morning glories will grow up the fence behind the bench- and I am soooo impatient. I want to go buy already started morning glories because I want it NOW- not little sprouts coming out of the ground.

What's the fluffy brown one in the back?

My oldest just saw this picture and said, "What in the world is THAT?!?!" I said, "A chicken." And she immediately answered, "Will you get me one?"

I told her they're an extremely rare breed whose genetics are unknown to the general population.

Tell your daughter she can have that one right there! I will save it just for her. Look at the Notmeatie right behind her- the female- looking at it like, "What are you?"

That fluffy brown one is my brown Uggo- I can never get her picture because she hides behind everyone.
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I will tell her nothing of the sort. LOL!

I love the notmeaties. They're my kinda chicken. And not even just for eating.
I have a couple hens and the one in particular, I really like.
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