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AND he has my ducklets penned up with NO heat source...

my poor widdle babies..

AND he sleeps with skunks..

Lets stone him!
You guys kill me LOL. You have been REAL good lately Olive.
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YOU and MISH...its both of your faults.
I wouldnt even have known about them if Mish hadnt posted them, and you agreed to split the hatch with me, and I know I can give some to Robin,,,,they are blue for gosh sakes..

I am going to send my husband to your place to recover from his surgery...and by the time he gets healed, I will trade you him for the big Uggos..

Turkeys no no no...they cant live with banties. They will squish them, and besides, there is some disease they can get from the chickens, cant they?

Maybe next year when I have grown grass in the bare places I can be convinced that my life is not complete without a turkey..*sigh* besides I am an outlaw in a SUBURB...remind me of that- you are usually very good at that...this newfound enabling side of you is very rare..do you have a fever?
Ummm if Robin gets some Uggos, blue or not then Mom WILL get a turkey or 2 !!!!
A little of both. Larger scale eventually, but will probably start with just one or two until I get the hang of it.
Starting off is the biggest expense. Equipment will set you back a few hundred dollars just to get started. Once you get started and have some stuff, it gets less expensive.
I budget $100 per hive even though I make most of my own stuff.

If you start with two hives, think about spending around $500 and waiting a couple of years to break even.

On the other hand, what you can get from your own land is priceless.
I just looked at Randys page, and it says he has bronze turkeys too...standard bronze or broad breasted bronze? Are they a good choice for a newbie to turkeys?
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I just looked at Randys page, and it says he has bronze turkeys too...standard bronze or broad breasted bronze? Are they a good choice for a newbie to turkeys?
Hi Ellie
He could possibly have those. I don't remember because I'm not interested in turkeys LOL. And as far as a choice for a newbie goes I would say listen to Olive. I know nothing about turkeys.
I have been trying to do some classwork tonight. Procrastination and subject matter (death and dying and my own memorial service) made it difficult tonight. Peeking in on this thread from time to time and the 2 1/2 glasses of sangria I had made it less difficult. Assignment done: thanks for the help. ;)
Ooh, there's a lady in Fremont who has narris. What do I need to look for to tell if they are nice correct birds, if she'll let me see the parents?
RPs....small breasts....got it. I'm sure the level of friendly will have a lot to do with how much they're handled too right? We hold all our birds on a daily basis....especially the chicks, DD loves carrying chickens around, giving them rides in wagons, in the basket in her bike, I even caught her trying to take one to town with her in a purse.....

It is best if you refrain from handling Toms. Handling them as pets increases the likelihood of human aggression later in life.

Fragile? Uh oh. Maybe I better do a little more research first. I haven't lost any chicks yet. I keep everything pretty clean....brooders, feeders, changing water at least twice a day, coop and birds get regular dustings, or spray. Have I missed anything?

Yes, turkey poults are generally more fragile than chicks. They can be harder to get started, are more susceptible to illness and more sensitive to things like temperature and humidity.

Ummm if Robin gets some Uggos, blue or not then Mom WILL get a turkey or 2 !!!!


Starting off is the biggest expense. Equipment will set you back a few hundred dollars just to get started. Once you get started and have some stuff, it gets less expensive.
I budget $100 per hive even though I make most of my own stuff.

If you start with two hives, think about spending around $500 and waiting a couple of years to break even.

On the other hand, what you can get from your own land is priceless.

Thanks, I was figuring on $500 so that sounds good. I'm planning to plant a bunch more fruit trees so figuring on the increased yields will be one of the biggest benefits. We also use a LOT of honey, so once it gets going (which I understand takes some time) that will certainly be a big bonus. I just don't tend to do anything small, so I may as well be honest with myself up front. If I enjoy it, it'll grow.

Yes, I believe he still does.

Ooooo, tempting...

I just looked at Randys page, and it says he has bronze turkeys too...standard bronze or broad breasted bronze? Are they a good choice for a newbie to turkeys?

Standard Bronze are much like Narrs and Bourbons. Broad Breasted are a different beast. For meat, they're a perfectly find option. If you have desire to keep and breed turkeys, generally speaking, you would be wise to steer clear of both BBBs and BBWs.
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