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OMG, it'd be like those AFV clips where the idiots put the dog bark collars on and then try and talk! Those get me nearly peeing my pants when I see those. LOL. And I think, boy, I'd like to do that to my kids some days. AHAHAAHAHAHA... I am only kidding....

Thank-you Olive. It's late and I'm tired ....so the bourbon reds have smaller breasts than narrs? Y shaped ? Sorry, I'm confused. Yes, I'm looking for primarily a good meat bird, but I have a tendency to get attached to my critters....and so does my daughter, so the big fluff butt may end up being a pet. Which is fine as long as its gentle and friendly, pretty wouldn't hurt either...I hear turkey eggs are delicious.

No, RP have the smaller, breasts. Bourbons and Narrs are very, very similar and would both make good choices for meat birds. No one can guarantee YOUR turkey will be docile, but both BRs and Narrs are known for having good temperaments.
OMG guess what gal pals My Little 13 week or so roo is cockadoddle dooing its so cute he sounds like he has a frog in his throat lol
Ooh, there's a lady in Fremont who has narris. What do I need to look for to tell if they are nice correct birds, if she'll let me see the parents?

RPs....small breasts....got it. I'm sure the level of friendly will have a lot to do with how much they're handled too right? We hold all our birds on a daily basis....especially the chicks, DD loves carrying chickens around, giving them rides in wagons, in the basket in her bike, I even caught her trying to take one to town with her in a purse.....
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Ooh, there's a lady in Fremont who has narris. What do I need to look for to tell if they are nice correct birds, if she'll let me see the parents?

Size; markings; strong, straight legs. Find out what her dress weights are on spring poults processed in the fall. Ask her about their mothering ability/broodiness. Ask about their street smarts and health history. If she has a big problem with predators or health complications, you don't want them. Turkey poults are fragile enough as it is.
Raz... Is Broiler a dominique? BF wants some good layers with meat potential...
Broiler and Broaster are both BSL (black sex link) hens.
They lay a nice brown egg. Even though both birds are the same size, Broil lays a consistent 55 gram egg and Broast lays a 75 gram egg.
Fragile? Uh oh. Maybe I better do a little more research first. I haven't lost any chicks yet. I keep everything pretty clean....brooders, feeders, changing water at least twice a day, coop and birds get regular dustings, or spray. Have I missed anything?
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