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Fuzzy - glad you were there!
Some one please tell me why chicken eggs are a dairy product? I have never understood this. I have a friend who says she can not eat eggs because they are a dairy product. I asked her What the heck she was talking about, there is no milk in them... She said, they an in the dairy case, so must be dairy... Now, Keyt says that... Well anyway, I almost want to say that if eggs are dairy, then shouldn't the cow itself be more dairy? Ok, forget it. I haven't had much sleep and I could possibly turn this whole thing it to a big frumpakabus and then where would we all be? More cornfused then ever and trying to milk a chicken. Can you milk a pigeon?

I guess I shouldn't have phrased it that way. I didn't mean eggs were a dairy product. The majority of people with egg allergies have it classified by allergists as a dairy allergy. The reason those people can eat duck eggs is because the proteins in duck and chicken eggs are different. Duck egg nutritional value is much better than a duck egg (but also bigger calories).

I have this in almost all duck egg cartons I sell.

Has anyone tried hanging mirrors or putting one on top of their coop/run?
I was wondering if this truely deters hawks/owls.
I would imagine it would until they got use to it...

Fuzzy... will you try it?

(we need a scratching head smilie... there are 2 IDK though)
I guess I shouldn't have phrased it that way. I didn't mean eggs were a dairy product. The majority of people with egg allergies have it classified by allergists as a dairy allergy. The reason those people can eat duck eggs is because the proteins in duck and chicken eggs are different. Duck egg nutritional value is much better than a duck egg (but also bigger calories).

I have this in almost all duck egg cartons I sell.

See, that's what I am saying! An allergist classifying it as a DAIRY allergy just because they are sold next to the milk and butter. LOL. OMG, I started a frumpakabus! HAHAHAHAHAAHAAAHAA

I swear my banty eggs are just as filling as my standard eggs. Yup. I just use 4 instead of 3 and its all good. As for duck eggs having better nutritional value than ducks eggs... Well, I just don't know... HEHE. I am teasing BTW. I know you meant chicken, but it was an opportunity handed on a silver plated platter.
Last year, the blueberry farmer across the way used a canon to scare off the birds. Fired it off several times a day. This year he changed tactics. I guess the birds got very used to the canons and no longer took wing. This year he is using silver streamers all over. I'd imagine this might work for hawks for a short term as well, until they got used to it and realized that those streamers and mirrors never change position.
Yes, it is a real bad situation for those horses. Everytime I go by them, which is just about daily because it is on the way to my sons house, I try to look them over and see if they have hay and stuff. Not that it would do any good to turn them in because plenty of people have. She had the prettiest little foal born earlier this year, it was a paint, now I don't see it anymore :-(

I'm not sure hen is used. Duck is female, drake is male, duck just happens also to be the term for the species. I could be wrong though.
That is what I thought, but only because that's what I've seen in the duck forum...I don't remember if I read anything about that yet, so that's what I was going with Duck (for Hen) and Drake (for male) lol.
Duck eggs are richer. Some of my customers say they are a little thicker/rubberier for scrambled or fried eggs but I don't notice it. BF uses them to make bread because it makes them fluffier and tastier.

Most of my duck egg customers buy them because someone in their family has dairy allergies. Those that have dairy allergies can eat duck eggs with no problems. I also have a man that comes from pretty far away to buy all my chicken and duck eggs for a week because his daughter is a baker.

Interesting! I do a lot of baking so that is awesome to know, and 2 of my 4 children have dairy sensitivities (but they do seem fine with eggs...I think they are sensitive to milk fat, not milk protein or milk sugar aka lactose because they can drink fat free milk fine. Wish I could get some raw goat milk or cow milk to try them on to see if that helped at all.)
We found that raw goat or cows milk cheese seems to be less irritating to our allergies than pasturized. I have no idea if we are imagining that or not.........but I do now buy a small amount of unpasturized cheese from Grassfield Farms in Coopersville and I get it at Forest Hills Market or Harvest Health Food store in Cascade.

We just eat a bit of cheese, no milk.
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Keyt...... I need your coop, I just need to figure out how to get it here and make payment arrangements!!!!!

Robin...... You are killing me!!

I have a pic of Louie and his ladies out for a stroll today, I just need to get it off my phone and on here!!

I broke 3 of my toes tonight chasing the dang nabed dog around the yard because he was eating something he caught!!
We finished 2 of the pheasant pens today and got the Greens and Amhursts settled in, that left me with 2 open smaller cages. I was just commenting on my empty cages and BAM here comes Robin!!! She must have ESPN or something
Keyt...... I need your coop, I just need to figure out how to get it here and make payment arrangements!!!!!

Robin...... You are killing me!!

I have a pic of Louie and his ladies out for a stroll today, I just need to get it off my phone and on here!!

I broke 3 of my toes tonight chasing the dang nabed dog around the yard because he was eating something he caught!!
We finished 2 of the pheasant pens today and got the Greens and Amhursts settled in, that left me with 2 open smaller cages. I was just commenting on my empty cages and BAM here comes Robin!!! She must have ESPN or something
LOL ....I'm watching you. Seriously though, thank you. You are a Godsend.
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