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Hi all, I'm new here and in Michigan.

We just bought a place in Stockbridge in July and have installed the united nations of chickens in the shed/coop.

We have Americaunas, Marans, Japanese banties, OEG banties, buff orps and a blue/buff orp, one blue Andalusian, and one Polish, but I'm boarding her for my friend while she tries to talk her hubby into building chicken facilites at her house!
My in-laws inChelsea are about to replace their wood stove with a pellet stove.

I'm not sure if they are looking to sell the old one or give it away, but I can check for you if you like?
Ah...so YOU'RE the one who pipped me at the post for her! I wasn't fast enough

Congrats, she's a cutie!

If you find the name of that girl would you mind sharing?

My friend bought a Polish pullet from her and she's the sweetest, friendliest thing.
Thank you!

My post was a bit confusing, I'm of course new to BYC, but I've been in Miichigan for 13 years, hubby since he was 10...we moved to Stockbridge from Waterloo...a whole 11 miles
Welcome Tiempo, I'm sure that you will enjoy reading everything you find on this site. Where in Stockbridge at you. I've gotten a place on Brogan n. of M36. I didn't quite under stand the phrase "pipped me at the post" but if I find out the girl's name I will pass it along. I can't believe just how beautiful the speckled sussex are. When the are out the sun the iridescent green on some of their feathers show up. Wow!
Sorry, "Pipped at the post" must be a Britishism.

It means you just beat me out... I was about to hand my dollars to the girl for her and a guy came up behind me and wrote 'sold' on her tag

We live on N.Main, you may know the house, all the locals call it 'the old Bradshaw place' it's the little painted brick cottage that used to be pink.
Tiempo. I lived in Stockbridge from 1971 to 1973 and that was long enough. There were way to many of my husband's relatives there. We moved to Springport and bought 10 acres way out in the country. I often went trail riding at waterloo and my grandfather has a jump named for him at the Waterloo Hunt Club.
I tended bar at the Rusty Nail in Carson City for a summer. It was not my scene. Too wild when the prison guards came in on payday. I beat a path straight to Lansing & got a job at an upscale place. Never had to work later than 10pm.
We trail ride at Waterloo all the time

I was planning to today, but other stuff got in the way. Hopefully tomorrow.

BTW which jump?

My husband's family live in Chelsea and Dexter..but I like them
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My mom used to sing at the paladium!!!! lol and i remember the carousel.

i remember going up round the time of the fire at the paladium and my dad bought me an old school desk(wish i still had it)
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