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Hillbillyhen- when I looked at that reading it was about 1/2 hour after my porch light was on and the thermo is right by that so it could have warmed it up a tad but you are right down right fridged out there.
I have frost!!! I am glad that I picked my maters yesterday and brought them in. Pretty much everything in my garden is done so that was good!!

Is Opa putting on another pot cuz I could use another cup too.
Good morning everyone. Seems like I'm the warm spot this morning. Right now I have 40 degrees. Frost advisors were all around me last night.
Cleaned the coop and hauled a truck load of sand to the run. It rained all day Saturday and everything was a mess. Yuck!! Girls appreciated all the new sand and shavings!! I even dragged a cedar branch DH cut that morning into the run. That was fun to watch.
Gotta go. Taking the kids shopping in Green Bay this morning and I like to get an early start so that we can get home early.
Have a great day.
Good Morning All!

First day back exercising with my neighbor. I haven't been up this early in a few weeks (5:30)! It was a long 6 weeks getting up by myself, when Cindy was in Oregon. I am going to be sore this afternoon and tomorrow for sure! Lifted weights this morning.

Cannot believe how cold it is this morning! Low 40's the radio said at 7:30.

Speaking of bills, we finally offically own our last child!!!! Long story, but hubby got fixed, we took off materinity on our insurance, and I got pregnant with #5! Been paying $250/month since he was born almost 3 years ago. Glad that he is offically ours now:woot
Also, just got one childs' braces paid for. Is phase 1 though, so there will be more for her.
Now if we could just get money to grow on trees we would all be set!

Off to get the rest of the family rolling!

have a wonderful day!

Opa- I will call you to see about stopping by today with the cider.
Morning everyone. It sure was a cold one this morning eh? Sarah, I am getting ready to go through the whole braces thing with my youngest
It'll be an experience lemme tell ya
He doesn't want them but REALLY needs them.

On another note, if anybody finds seeds to the 'fore mentioned money tree, let me know, I'd like to put in an orchard of them
Hi Everyone
Sunny here, but a little chilly this morning,

Oh i know how you guys feel about bills, Chuck is a Union Carpenter, and work has been so bad, and then we heard through the grape vine that we are losing are Dental and Vision, so a friend of mine called the Hall and they said yep, you think they would of sent us a letter or something.

so i went Sat to the eye doc, and i have to pay out of pocket 280.00 to get new glass's, and i need a tooth fix that i lost part of the filling on. Oh i tell ya I'm ready to lose my mined

All the plants in the garden are dying, and my tomato's are just stating to ripen.

The sun flowers look good,

egg sales are great. I can't keep up with the demand, so I'm thinking of add on some more girls for next summer,

wasn't able to make it out to Lapeer to get chick and duck feed, so i went to the locale feed store, I asked for layer, chick starter, and duck feed, i get home and i find i have layer, duck food and Turkey food, Oh this guy gets on my nerves and i hate going there,
his always flirting with me and i hate it
he knows I'm married, and when i went i didn't have my wedding ring on, and his bring out the feed, and say oh you dint have your wedding ring on, I said well i do a lot of work out side, said so i dont have it on, oh would you like to go get dinner,
I said NO, i'm happily married, Oh since you didn't have your ring on i felt like just
what a pig, now i have turkey feed what can i do with that, Chuck said i will take it back and he will never ask you out again,

That is terrible! Seems to me you could contact the better business bureau and file a complaint!

Glad your egg business is booming! That is a good thing when the ladies can pay for their own feed


Rachel is cleaning the chicks pen and taking pictures right now.
Go get him Chuck!

Put me on the list for the seeds to the money tree please.
Boyd, haven't "seen" much of you lately. How are you doing?
Speaking of which, where is Crystal, haven't "seen" much of her either. I do hope she is not overdoing it.
Today was back to school for teachers.
I can't believe how much the chickens missed me! When I got home they literally ran from all points of the yard to greet me, just like the dogs and cats. What a welcoming committee!
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