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Oopsy...yes, any ups and downs in the weather will change their production. totally normal.

the dentist appt went fine...i posted details a few pages back! you'll have to go find them! it'll be a shocker to find out my big dental secret. first one to find it and repost it gets a prize!!!!!! seriously! i'll send you a prize!

and seriously, i am dying to know HOW DID YOU GUYS KNOW I WAS GOING TO THE DENTIST???????? who told everyone???

guess what i did a few minutes ago???? i made naked ducks!

It was Ashland who told us.
Just letting you know. But don't tell anyone I told you, she's been getting on your computer when you are gone.

Well, she told Monkey and Monkey told us.

Just sayin.. :) haha
Your big secret is that you don't floss...

For the record, I rarely floss... but I have a lot of fillings from Mountain Dew consumption as a teenager. Not sure if flossing would of helped or not. Now some are getting cracks in them so I have cavities under the fillings. So my fillings have a 15-20 year life spam.

i just winged it. buh duh bump! haa haa! i couldn't resist. that was horridly cheesy, but i couldn't.

just like a chicken is what i did. this was my first adventure into duck land so literally, i did wing it. we raised a bunch of mutts and planned to butcher all extras for meat so i guess it was school today.

i scalded it and then plucked. there are little feather pins but i look at it like this, that is 'natural' food. they will cook off as it cooks. they melt and it's no big deal. i don't freak out about things.

LAUREN!!!! you are sassy!
Went to the feed store today and Walmart with just one kid! Nathan (almost 3 years old) and I had a great time together.
Bought 8 t-shirts for $19.00 I love the clearance racks! All of the kids got one shirt and Jack got 4. Fall shopping has started!

Off to get the house picked up. Tomorrow will be more canning.
bingo! Lauren hit it too on the other thread, which somehow i knew nothing about! so we have two winners! send me your addy girl! i'll send you a prize in the mail!
and no, it wont be a roll of floss!!!!!

thank you only one lay! i thought she looked pretty foxy myself!
i have bantams cochins but they are all three inches tall!
Afternoon! I am so excited! I have never canned before nor have I watched anyone do it in a very, very long time (like I was probably 7 years old when I watched my Grandma). I made some raspberry jam last night all by myself and I did it right. Yeah!!!! I know it is silly, but I get nervous I'm not going to do it right. Anyways, I now feel confident to move onto applesauce and tomatoes. Yeah!!!!!!!
Hubby went salmon fishing today! Called and did catch some. I love salmon, but I am the only one in my house who does. The girls used to, but the last time I gave them some, they turned their noses up at it. So there will be lots of salmon in the freezer now.
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