

13 Years
Jan 22, 2007
Hi, I am from Mid-MO and have been raising chickens for only a short time. I am still pretty ignorant to all of the particulars of raising chickens, so I hope to learn from those more experience than I am. I will post a picture of the very nice coup my husband built for my birds. It is built like Fort Knox, with cedar poles buried in the ground with fencing wraped around them to keep the critter from digging under to get to my chickens.

My flock is made up of 8 New Hampshire Reds and 4 Barred Rocks. I am almost certain they have all started laying, although I am not gettting consistent numbers yet.
I'm just north of Springfield- SW Missouri. I caught my "chicken addiction" 7 mos ago & have learned tons of info since.
I'm 30mi west of Columbia, MO Getting ready to start my 2nd layer flock and a side of broilers. We will have barred, white and buff rocks, lt brahmas, ri reds, and blue andalusias. I love a colorful flock! The brahmas are for my daughter she likes the "furry" feet.
Hi everyone. I'm in Montgomery City. If anyone's in this general vicinity there's a place called Griffith's in Fulton that charges $1 per chick for less than 100 and $0.79 for 100. I don't have his number handy though. I know he's got Cornish Cross and Silkies because that's what I got but I don't know what else.
Hi every one! I live in the great show me state, just north of Springfield. Have 10 acres, 45 chickens, 4 turkeys and 2 geese.
Love this site.
Would be interested in meeting or swapping animals with others.
West Central Missouri here. I wish there was a better way to find my 'fowl' nieghbors

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