
I ended up with 1 rooster and 6 hens. I had some newby issues. They are doing good in general. They aren't as dark as I thought they'd be but I personally like the bright red color. The rooster is HUGE!!!
I know the color still needs work, but the type is very good on these, I believe, and YES they have excellent size. In fact, I have to watch to make sure I am not getting them over the standard for weight.
I am SO excited! The forecast for us shows that we are getting out of the negatives temps by Wednesday!!!

My daughter overheard my father, husband and i talking about the weather warming up, and planning for a hatch. oh kids say the darndest things. if they have blue lace mom they have to be girls. and blue chickens come from blue eggs not BROWN!!. my husband also made the comment that im an odd woman, because i would rather have chickens than heels and diamonds. silly southern city boy hasnt learned about us yankees yet.
My family accuses me of caring about my chickens more than them all of the time.

Sound like your daughter is in for a bit of an education on chickens and it will be all good too. She will become an expert in no time! It will be fun to meet you next month!
FINALLY, my girls are giving me some eggs! From my Buckeyes today, I got 7 eggs. I have only been getting 2 or 3 a day from them, so I am excited. There is one hen in that pen that is an overachiever though, she gives me double yolkers once or twice a week. Oh well, what I can't hatch I can always use for cooking and baking!
Bring on the chicks!
Anyone interested in the breeds I have listed, let me know. Once things get hatching, I will keep going until June or July, depending on demand.
Wow, this snow this morning is really fine blowing powder! This is the first snow that's blown in through every tiny crack in the shower curtain covered run, and there's a dusting all over the sand. The chickens, of course, think they are going die.
Wow, this snow this morning is really fine blowing powder! This is the first snow that's blown in through every tiny crack in the shower curtain covered run, and there's a dusting all over the sand. The chickens, of course, think they are going die.
Wow, this snow this morning is really fine blowing powder! This is the first snow that's blown in through every tiny crack in the shower curtain covered run, and there's a dusting all over the sand. The chickens, of course, think they are going die.

No kidding.

Our barn door flew off, so the chicken's woke up to about 5 inches of snow covering half their coop. It must have blown in.

The chickens are grumpy and refuse to walk on it, however, the ducks are having a party.

It's going to be such a mess on Wednesday...
Good morning, Minnesotans!

I'm new to the forum and new to chickens. We're getting our chicks next month! With any luck. I've got the supplies, just need the chicks. Any thoughts or suggestions you have regarding coops, breeds or raising chicks are much appreciated.

We've got 6 horses, all quarterhorses, with 2 mares due to foal in March & April, 3 barn cats, 2 Border Collies and 2 house cats. Looking forward to adding chickens to the mix. We're located in Nowthen, just west of Elk River, east of Oak Grove, south of St. Francis and north of Ramsey. Nice area.

Thinking Spring, although this snow storm is not helping. Have a good day all!

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