MItes and Permethrin Powder

Ditto on what the others have said about Poultry Protector spray.

It's already a spray so you can just apply to the bird as well as roosting bars, nesting boxes, etc. Wear latex gloves and spray some in your hand and then rub it on their heads so you don't spray it in their faces.

I also put a few drops of the pour on Ivermectin under the feathers on their backs a few times a year. Never hand any mites or lice.
Wood ash works best as a preventative not as a curative.

Permethrin powder should be dry, not wet. Get the spray kind to spray.

I have had good luck with Ivermectin cattle pour on for northern mite. The poultry dust slowed them down (noticeable upon contact), but I had a population explosion this summer due to extremely long dry warm season such that my normal poultry dust regiment was not keeping up.

Three treatments of Ivermectin, couple drops at base of neck, couple of drops at base of vent.

You will need to do that 7 days apart to get rid of most lice/mites as the adults are killed but the eggs will remain.

After first Ivermectin, the population was vastly smaller. Second treatment hardly any left. Third treatment gone and not back (yet).

Clean out coop very well, spray with deterrent. Permethrin spray is most effective but I've had good results with Orange Guard (orange oil). Then sprinkle poultry dust...either permethrin or sevin...dry underneath bedding so that it will stay dry.

Then keep an eye out for the next couple of months.

If it is red roost mites, you will need a different treatment plan as those are especially resilient.

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My girls have a bad infestation of northern mites. I had been having good luck reducing the numbers by using oil of oregano. I would put a drop on their backs about once a week. I also cleaned the coop really well and sprayed it down with a solution of the oil and water with vinegar. I checked back a few weeks later and found they had all moved to inside the roof. It was absolutely crawling with them! Disgusting! I'm mentioning it as a good suggestion for anyone who is really intent on sticking to the green stuff. But, I'm done messing around and just got permethrin powder and liquid. I'm going to dust the girls and spray down the coop. I'm moving across the country this summer and the girls are coming too. I'm not risking getting mites on anything during that trip! Plus, the girls will be much more comfortable. :)
oh my. mites. help. so many questions*...i've just noticed one of my girls balding and acting strangely, so it must be mites. i am going to submerge her in warm salt water as soon as it warms up outside, bc she also has a poopy bottom. salt will kill baddies, (got rid of flystrike that way.) *i haven't seen where anyone has just used salt and wondering why? *my coop is an old large shed with deep litter and stacks of straw bales. can i just treat/spray/powder my entire coop area w/o removing everything? is all my straw ruined? raking out and removing straw and bedding would take FOREVER. please, if anyone has had success doing this please speak up! :) *i have 5% sevin, can i just dust EVERYTHING with that? i have DE that i put on the coop bedding last night. *has anyone had success using the 2c. water/1 c. cooking oil/1 T. dishwashing liquid to spray on the hens and in the coop? *i'm looking for permethrin on amazon. what exactly do i buy? this is just so daunting. and i am so worried. thank you so much for your help.
I recently discovered that the chickens had mites...(itch itch). One of the broody hens had them on her, and then I checked the other chickens and found a few more. I looked all around the roosts and the nest boxes and couldn't find any of the mites but they were on the eggs! So I was very worried and lost some sleep over it before I decided to get the poultry powder for mites. This powder is a Permethrin product. I was going to get the Sevin dust but this was recommended by the clerk. So I burned all the bedding of the nest boxes and then I made a watery paste out of the powder and water. I used a sponge paint brush to paint the roosts (we have a very large open coop, like a shed). I completely covered them on every side. Then I painted the nest boxes with the mix. They dried and now have a white wash look. I put the chickens in a plastic feed sack with the powder and tried my best not to get it on their heads....didn't work very well. I think I got a lot of it too, but I'm still alive so I guess its not too toxic. Anyway I did all 14 chickens and then left them alone for the night.

Today when I checked on the girls they all looked good except for one. This poor girl was sitting by herself on a roost and by closer inspection I noticed she was covered on the surface of her feathers with mites! It was really gross, and very sad for her. So I dusted her again, very thoroughly. SO MY QUESTION is, how long does this permethrin powder need to work? Last I checked on her she was still crawling with these mites. They are not crawling off her onto the roost they are just on her surface feathers. And she seems to be the only one. ANYONE?
I used the sevin 5% dust then when I could get food grade Diatomaceous Earth (fossil shell flour) later that day, I used that.

I have about the same situation. I had noticed one of my 6 month old chicks wasn't eating or drinking and would only sleep 3 days ago. When I checked for bugs the first day, I didn't see anything. So, I just hand fed her yogurt and electrolyte water. The third day (today) when I went out to feed her, she had mites all over. I got the Seville 5% dust and put that on her and all over in the coop. Within an hour the mites were dead. I am putting the DE in the coop, extra cleaning everything, and I'm going to sprinkle the rest of the chickens with it. This is my first time using the DE but I've heard lots of promising things about it so I hope it works good. My chick seemed better after a couple of hours, every now and then she runs around and seems more willing to eat and drink. Hopefully she will show more improvement tomorrow morning.
Please let me know if the DE worked because I heard it doesn’t kill anything and I’ve been using it as a preventative for just about everything. I let my chicks dust bathe in it. Thank you
I am not fond of using pesticides, but…

My nesting boxes have a paper leaf bag protector which I cover with shredded bills and shredded junk mail. Once per year, I change out the litter completely and replace the bag.

As a preventive measure, I liberally coat the box with Permethrin powder 5% prior to covering it with the paper bag.

I cannot say for sure this is why, but I have not had issues with mites, now about 11 years using this setup, even though the powder never touches the birds.

Hope this helps.
Due to a recent hatch and infestation of mites, I now have them on me, the dog, and in the house!!
I bought the permethrin liquid and mad a spray bottle with 1 teaspoon to 1 quart. I have been cleaning the area where the chicks and mom are and spraying the shavings etc. But my question is whether I can use the spray in that concentration in the house and on the dog?
Due to a recent hatch and infestation of mites, I now have them on me, the dog, and in the house!!
I bought the permethrin liquid and mad a spray bottle with 1 teaspoon to 1 quart. I have been cleaning the area where the chicks and mom are and spraying the shavings etc. But my question is whether I can use the spray in that concentration in the house and on the dog?

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