Mites -- help!


May 17, 2021
Framingham, MA
Our chickens have been reluctant to go into their coop for the last few nights. Tonight we discovered why -- the coop is infested with mites! Help!! What do we do? I've seen everything from Diatomaceous Earth to oil/water/soap, to permethrin. We haven't had a chance to inspect the chickens themselves yet. What is the most safe and effective way of getting rid of them???
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Our chickens have been reluctant to go into their coop for the last few nights. Tonight we discovered why -- the coop is infested with mites! Help!! What do we do? I've seen everything from DM to oil/water/soap, to permethrin. We haven't had a chance to inspect the chickens themselves yet. What is the most safe and effective way of getting rid of them???
Ugh. Mites are the bane of my existence. I’d honestly rather deal with fleas :barnie . So, I’ve had an ongoing mite issue forever now. I even did the whole clean out the coop and spray it down with the liquid permethrin solution. But my coop and run are just so big, and I’ve heard wild birds can sometimes introduce them.

The other night, I actually saw some on the roost and spent a good half hour with a flashlight and Davis Pure Planet Coop spray going after them. At this point, I’m just trying to control them and don’t know if I’ll ever get rid of them.

I use a mix of the Davis spray (kills them but doesn’t keep them away) and permethrin dust. I occasionally dust the chickens and use the spray on them if I need to get rid of the mites quickly. I will occasionally dust their nesting boxes and when I change out the coop bedding, I sprinkle a layer of the permethrin dust down before spreading clean wood shavings.

I’d try the dust and the spray and hopefully you’ll have better results than me. If you discover a way to erad them entirely, let me know!
We're trying a natural solution I found online -- spraying the coop down with a mixture of cooking oil, water, and dish soap. And then sprinkling the crap out of it with Diatomaceous Earth. Also spraying the chickens (who thus far seem to have no symptoms of mites -- I think we caught this early) with garlic and powdering them in DE. Has anyone had success with this method?
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We're trying a natural solution I found online -- spraying the coop down with a mixture of cooking oil, water, and dish soap. And then sprinkling the crap out of it with DM. Also spraying the chickens (who thus far seem to have no symptoms of mites -- I think we caught this early) with garlic and powdering them in DM. Has anyone had success with this method?
I've been adding powdered garlic to their feed and oregano oil to their water (though that is more for a boost to their immune system/internal health). I have considered scattering mint, lavender, rosemary, and eucalyptus leaves over their bedding - I already layer those into their nesting material (the dried, mowed grass weeds that grow in our yard) - it makes it smell sooooo good!! I've seen mites on their eggs from time to time, but I think that is from having the mites on them and not necessarily infesting their nesting boxes. I still will dust the nesting boxes and sometimes do a quick spray of the David Coop Cleaner (I think that is more natural because it uses clove oil and a bit of soap) if I find mites on eggs, just in case some have dropped off into their nesting material. I think the dust is mostly natural - from what I understand, it is derived from chrysanthemums (just don't use it around cats - I think it is toxic to them).

Living in California, we have some pretty strict restrictions on what we can use on livestock (getting an easy-to-use wormer is tough - most of the great products people here suggest are not available in California or are banned). I used to use Sevin dust (very toxic to bees and other beneficial critters, but my chickens stay in the coop/run at all times and I didn't use it often and was careful not to contaminate nearby plants or get it near the chickens' mouths/eyes. It worked really well. Can't get it in California anymore and I understand why. So I had to switch to permethrin. Permethrin works, but doesn't keep the mites off as long as the Sevin dust did). At this point, I'm doing my best to get the mites to a minimum. Sometimes I'll only see a few crawling around on the vent of some of the girls. Other times, I'll find them on everybody :eek:. That's when everyone gets a mandatory dusting. If I ever get rid of them altogether, I might just throw a party :wee .
Upon further research, we definitely have Red Roost Mites -- we found red and grey ones this morning. And this also explains why we're not seeing them on the chickens themselves. Looks like our focus needs to be on the coop.

Anyone have specific advice for RRMs?
As the responses on your other thread said, there are two treatments that will work (none of the "natural" treatments you suggested will get rid of mites.) Permethrin is relatively non-toxic to humans and will need to treat at least twice and then be sure the mites are gone or treat again. Spinosad (Elector PSP) has a totally different method of action against mites and lice and will is approved for organic gardening and many times takes only one treatment. There are tons of thread on BYC about treating for mites which will give you access to lots of opinions and advice on treatment. You'llfind a lot of chicken keepers trying natural methods....over and over and over. Treating the mites and the chickens with permethrin or spinosad will make them go away.
Ugh. Mites are the bane of my existence. I’d honestly rather deal with fleas :barnie . So, I’ve had an ongoing mite issue forever now. I even did the whole clean out the coop and spray it down with the liquid permethrin solution. But my coop and run are just so big, and I’ve heard wild birds can sometimes introduce them.

The other night, I actually saw some on the roost and spent a good half hour with a flashlight and Davis Pure Planet Coop spray going after them. At this point, I’m just trying to control them and don’t know if I’ll ever get rid of them.

I use a mix of the Davis spray (kills them but doesn’t keep them away) and permethrin dust. I occasionally dust the chickens and use the spray on them if I need to get rid of the mites quickly. I will occasionally dust their nesting boxes and when I change out the coop bedding, I sprinkle a layer of the permethrin dust down before spreading clean wood shavings.

I’d try the dust and the spray and hopefully you’ll have better results than me. If you discover a way to erad them entirely, let me know!
I'm so sorry. I have also had the exact same issue, everytime I check, they're back! It's the most frustrating thing ever!! I was just about to make my own post when I saw this one.

Ugh. I guess I will continue with my struggle as well 😭
Do we need to worry about the mites infesting our house too? We've found a few crawling on us inside after discovering this whole situation last night.

We're getting a pressure sprayer and some Permethrin tonight and will go to town with it tomorrow.

Thanks all!
I've not had an issue with infestations in my house, but I always shower immediately after treating my birds & throw any clothes I wore into the wash.

Mostly because I'm ultra paranoid, and after seeing the mites all over the birds I feel like they're all over me - I'm pretty sure it's a mental thing for me, they just gross me out.

I'd just recommend being cautious and making sure you clean up after being hands on with the birds.
Do we need to worry about the mites infesting our house too? We've found a few crawling on us inside after discovering this whole situation last night.

We're getting a pressure sprayer and some Permethrin tonight and will go to town with it tomorrow.

Thanks all!
I’ve found them on me and crawling on my phone/iPad, but I just squish them. Haven’t seen them accumulating in the house.

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