mites, mites, mites

Update: I got my Nu Stock ordered..2 tubes and my chickens are ready for some for their little irritated butts. Also got a large bag 50# of DE to spread around and a hose sprayer and 2 huge bottles of blue Dawn. I'm ready for battle. Do you think it matters how much Dawn I use? Should I get the ground very soapy? Thank goodness daylight savings time is here this weekend so I'll have more time in the evening for all my extermination tactics.

ashes from wood is better to use its natural and its free its healthy snd its work the best for me just the next day after i used it they were walking eating having fun i recommend this
Update: I got my Nu Stock ordered..2 tubes and my chickens are ready for some for their little irritated butts. Also got a large bag 50# of DE to spread around and a hose sprayer and 2 huge bottles of blue Dawn. I'm ready for battle. Do you think it matters how much Dawn I use? Should I get the ground very soapy? Thank goodness daylight savings time is here this weekend so I'll have more time in the evening for all my extermination tactics.


when i was spraying for fleas I filled the hose sprayer about half full of dawn.. then topped it off with water.. and kinda shook it a bit to mix the two.. it worked great for fleas at that strength.
To Farmer Boy: I'd love to have some wood ashes to put out and I've even asked around but I can't find any. We don't have a fireplace except in hubby's barn/man cave and he rarely uses it. I'd even buy some if I could find a place that sells it.
Get some liguid seven and put it in one of those big outdoor sprayers, get the chickens out of the mite infested pen and spray the entire area and where they roost needs to be soaking wet with seven spray, also wash food and waterers and let the pen air out for a couple hrs and then let them back in also if they have scaly leg mites, dip their legs in cooking oil once a day for 2-3 days and then once a week until you see their legs healing. For mites on their vent, dust them lightly with seven dust. This is what I usually do and it seems to wipe out the mites. I hope this helps and good luck!
Poultry or sevin dust really are the best answers. Although I do keep a pan full of wood ashes in the coop all the time...whenever we empty the ashes it goes straight to the coop...anyway we have a rooster that doesn't dustbathe in my spot I made...I assume because he is too big and just can't fit..anyway nobody else was having issues with mites, but he looked just terrible grungy feathers and what not...but I dusted him and the coop with poultry dust and the nest boxes, and within 3 days he looks like a whole new rooster. No yucky feathers and what not.

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