mites, mites, mites

How would you give a chicken a bath if they have never been exposed to bathing? I use dawn dish detergent for dishes. Would you wash your chickens in you dish sink or bath tub?
I have used both. Just make sure the water is warm to the touch, but not hot. Maybe start in the sink so there isn't a lot of room to flop around. If you don't think it's enough room or water to work with, use the tub. I usually fill it enough to come up to their breast bone and I use a cup to rinse them down. Most times they seem to settle after a minute or two and they seem to enjoy the warm water. One of mine will get so relaxed I have to hold her up haha

Afterwards make sure you dry them. You can let them air dry inside or (I recommend) use a blow dryer. Make sure they are 100% dry before going outside.
Ok, I'm stealing this from another thread...It was posted by cetawin

here is the information from the Dept. of Agriculture
There are two different kinds of lime.

Hydrated lime, slake lime, or "burn lime"- This is pure white. Hydrated lime is very caustic, so the bag will have a warning on it. This is the kind of lime you use for white wash . This lime will burn you and your livestock. Do not use it on the floor. Do not breath it.

Agricultural lime, "ag lime", "garden lime", "barn lime" or dolomite- This lime is gray and can be used to spread on the floor of your barn. This is safe for you and your livestock. It will not burn.
In the past we spread Ag. lime on our barn floor because it provides an antibacterial quality, dries out and "sweetens" the floor , and also it makes it easier to clean, for some people.

If you just ask for lime at your feed store, they will probably give you hydrated lime. If you say it's for the barn floor they will still probably give you hydrated. Please be safe, get the "Ag" lime .
I came to find this thread today because we have a rooster with red mites. I don't think he takes dust baths like the other girls, and so we are going to get some wood ash and give him an ash bath soon. We also examined his vent, and he did have many of the red mites running around the area, and so we put olive oil all around the vent, and we put a few drops of Revolution on his back between his shoulder blade.

I didn't know that he had mites, but we found out the hard way. Our neighbor asked us a few months ago if there was anything we could do about the rooster crowing in the mornings. He said that Frank (the rooster) was crowing as early as 4:00 a.m. and waking him up. And so every night we go and take Frank off his roost and bring him inside and let him sleep in the garage, and then we bring him back outside again in the morning after 8:30 a.m.

Well, I am allergic to bee stings and most bug bites, and I usually develop rashes when bitten. I couldn't understand how I was getting so many bites all over my body because my dogs and cat have all been treated with flea and tick medication. I rarely get bitten when they are all being treated, but this time, I kept getting more and more bites along with rashes.

At first, we thought it was bed bugs and treated for that, and I washed clothing, blankets, and sheets and vacuumed, but when I was carrying out Frank this morning and wearing a white shirt, I noticed the all the tiny red mites all over my arm.

And so, yes, they do bite humans; they can spread all over your home; and they are hard to get rid of. Our Dumbo rat got mites, probably from us touching him after touching Frank, but a few monthly treatments of Revolution cured him of the mites, which is why we put it on Frank today. Revolution is a prescription medication and contains selamectin. Selamectin seems to be used in treating a wide variety of animals for lice, mites, and fleas.
We use DE food grade, and it seems to take care of everything, and we use it in the house as well because we have 2 dogs and 3 cats. It works without mess or fuss. And in very small amounts. Sprinkle it on a dishtowel and they rub towel on the animal. In the chicken coop and yard we just sprinkle it on top of hay and they will just kick it around. The coop also. Good luck. Happy New Year!

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