Mites won't die, all over my house now - new question #55=grain mites?

This is what happens when you unleash an angry and irritated superchemicalgirl in the pesticides aisle.

I'm going to first use 70% alcohol to try and kill them by drying them out.

I've got all kinds of permethrins in foggers and sprays, Sevin, lice shampoo for the chickens or cats if needed and ivermectin.

I'm going to do my best until Monday.

who knows, but likely a box, board or brooder- they get on the animal to drink blood, then go back to their crack to BREED. Heat brings them out. Look up RED ROOST MITE. I found them swarming in one of my coops one right after a heat wave- looked a bit like the photo, grey and red mites bubbling up out of the cracks in the coop. You need to look in the middle of the night to see them in general- they come out in the dark. I was alerted to their presence by chickens not wanting to go in their coop at night- and some of the chickens had pale combs (due to the nasty blood sucking buggers). They could come in on chicks, chick box, or someone's feet, or wild birds- but they only spend feeding time on the bird, then get back off again.

pyrethrins/permethrins and cats don't mix well- read your ingredients, if you want to treat the cat (red roost mites don't like mammals anyway- so probably you don't actually need to treat yourself or your cats)- get something labeled for a cat- like revolution------ it kills mites & lice and is safe for and labeled for kitties. Pyrethrins send kitties to the vet frothing and tremoring on a daily basis around here.

I got rid of (well more like controlled them- I am sure they will be back) the mites by cleaning out the bedding in the coop as best I could and saturating the cracks of the wood structure with permethrin spray (in your photo- I can see a stable/horse spray- this is likely similar to what I used). I replaced with clean bedding which I liberally sprinkled with poultry dust (more pyrethrin). I repeated the dousing in 2 weeks. This was about a month and a half ago. I look in the coop with a flashlight before I go to bed once a week now. I have not seen a repeat, and I have not seen any mites in the other nearby coop- but I am watching- and I already had put poultry dust in the bedding on the floor + sprayed the cracks about 6mo ago because I saw a single mite walking on an egg at collection. When you are dealing with a HOUSE, you can't soak the house with pesticides- but you can get rid of any likely mite houses (like the brooder box) and treat the hot spots directly.
Oh wow! What a nightmare. I hope you get them all killed and gone. I love the flame thrower idea! Oooooo I hate HATE blood sucking bugs... Good luck!

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