Mites won't die, all over my house now - new question #55=grain mites?

WoW!! Did the cashier ask any questions on your way out, or back up and proceed with your checkout with caution!!

Good luck, something else on BYC that I pray I don't have to encounter!! Somethings got to work!!
superchemicalgirl,.. are you still there?! Are you passed out on the floor!?

Speak to us,..
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Oh yeah,.. we love this place,. their flea stuff PCO choice is great!

It's hard to afford some of the items sometimes,. but chemical free is always the way to go!

Still waiting for superchemicalgirl to tell us if she fogged herself into oblivion or if she'd got the upper hand on that mite invasion!
I'm still here (so are the mites). Thank you so much for the concern. It was really bad timing for having to work and be on call this weekend so I'm sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a bit.

Don't worry, despite the fact that I have a chemical arsenal I'm not going to use it all at once.

The "emergency" exterminator never called me back. So doesn't look like I'll have anything coming here on Monday.
Are you willing to let out where or who the swap was with. I sure don't want to end up with the same night mare problem. Guess I will never keep a swap in the house to quarentine.
I have no new suggestions for the house but I do know that Revolution kills mites on dogs. It's like Frontline but you need a vet prescription to get it.
I would look into treating your cats ASAP.
Good thoughts will be with you.
Are you willing to let out where or who the swap was with. I sure don't want to end up with the same night mare problem. Guess I will never keep a swap in the house to quarentine

I have to agree, that is some infestation(sp) you have and the owner of the previous birds had to know. This is a reminder to all of us, keep new animals seperated from everything to the quarentine time is over.
Thoughts are going out to you.​
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I think it's in everyone's best interest to know who I got the birds from so they can be aware if they also got birds from the same swap or person. Good idea.

It was from a very nice woman and her daughter at the Tractor Supply Swap in Augusta Maine on 08.01.10. She had a bunch of turken/bantam mix chicks and some silkies.

I don't blame her at all, I don't think anyone would swap or sell chicks knowing they had mites or worms. I didn't really know that they had mites/worms until about 2-3 weeks into their quarantine. Just bad luck I guess. Keep in mind they've been in my basement almost 8 weeks now in this quarantine. I treated them twice earlier and the mites are continuing to breed. It's a nightmare.
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