Mixed Flock...Hatching Some Eggs for Fun...Looking for Pictures of Similar Mixes :)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
Hey Everyone!

Well, I started a small flock with hatchery chicks...2 Australorps, 2 Buff Orphingtons, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Delaware, and 2 Rhode Island Red (although, I'd say more production red than anything). I also ordered 25 red broilers from Ideal...unfortunetly I've been having a round of pest problems, butchered 5 and am left with 2 Roos (1 Barred Rock, the other a Red Broiler) and 6 hens, who've all started laying (probably just going to end up keeping them around for awhile...they actually lay nice-sized brown eggs fairly often...2-3 x's wk each).

My question is what to expect if I hatch a clutch of mixed eggs...the Barred Rock stays with the mixed flock...he's kind of claimed those girls and the Red Broiler roo and hens all stick together...has anyone hatched any mixed chickens of the breeds I listed above? If so, do you have any pictures of them?

This is just to satisfy my curiousity...I'm planning on keeping a few, weeding out others, etc. hoping to eventually have a self-sustaining flock...FYI, I dont care about growth rate, food coversion, etc...all my chickens are free-ranging, living completely off of what they find in my 2 acre property and kitchen scraps (during fall and winter I begin to supplement since the grass/clover stops growing) and I know the Red Broilers are crosses and won't breed true...but I'd like to find out what they do produce out of curiousity :)

Thanks in advance for any pics!!

Here's my new little guy (and I think it is male because of the pink comb at only one month), I did not hatch him, (my girls are just beginning to lay, 2 out of 10 so far) but I've been told that he is Barred Rock (dad) and Golden Comet (mom). You can tell he's got a little of both in him with the black brown and white. I only wish that comb wasn't so pink/red so I could see eggs (not necessarily the color, but to justify keeping - hubby not to happy with me for agreeing to take him and I haven't even broke it to him that that I think it's a boy).

I know it's not exactly the same cross, but I'm looking for photos too so I thought I'd post what I do have available.

Thank you! He's beautiful!

It's actually hatch day for me today so i'm holding my breath to see what comes out of those eggs :)
CG - I'd love to see him grown up. Pretty bird! Personally I prefer the mixes
Looks like most of mine are coming out Barred Rock Roo mixes...just judging by the color...he's been a busy little bird :) I'll have to post some pics back to you once their feathers start to come out!
CG - I'd love to see him grown up. Pretty bird! Personally I prefer the mixes

I will try to remember that. I'd also like to see how he looks when grown up but I don't think I'll keep him past the "big enough to eat" stage just because I think I want Easter Eggers and if I am going to have a roo, it will be the EE (might get some pretty eggs out of the next generation of chicks but I think I'll wait for a hen to go broody rather than buy an incubator so as to keep the cost down).


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