Mixing chicks


5 Years
Jun 7, 2015
Last Friday I purchased 37 new chicks. The hatchery sent 49 chicks.

I have two separate brooders to house them. While cleaning one of the brooders, I will be mixing all the chicks in one brooder.
Once bother brooders are clean, will it matter which chicks end up together? Or should I try to keep them in two separate groups?
When they go to the big coop, they will be house together.

Chicks are:
25 red sexlinks
17 black sexlinks
7 welsummers
At that age it won't matter how you mix them up - they don't really know each other yet so there is no pecking order business going on. One word of advice...if the hatchery sent a dozen more chicks than you ordered it was possibly a counting error. It was more likely that the hatchery needed to get rid of excess male chicks. Just saying in case you weren't counting on roosters but end up with a surplus of them. Good luck to you!
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I thought the same thing, but most of my order was sex links.

Ordered Received
Red sex links
25 25
black sex links
6 16
6 7
mystery chick
37 49

The mystery chick is black and brown with yellow legs. If I have any roosters, it won't be a problem.
I thought the same thing, but most of my order was sex links.

Ordered Received
Red sex links
25 25
black sex links
6 16
6 7
mystery chick
37 49

The mystery chick is black and brown with yellow legs. If I have any roosters, it won't be a problem.

I believe you should be able to tell now if any of those sexlinks are males. Do they have spots on their heads?
None of them have white spots on their heads. They all are girls. If I have a boy it will either be the extra mystery chick or the extra Welsummer.
I think the hatchery had too many extra black sex links that needed a home.
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None of them have white spots on their heads. They all are girls. If I have a boy it will either be the extra mystery chick or the extra Welsummer.
I think the hatchery had too many extra black sex links that needed a home.
The Welsummer were sold as sexed or straight run?
Should be able to tell gender by markings.
None of them have white spots on their heads. They all are girls. If I have a boy it will either be the extra mystery chick or the extra Welsummer.
I think the hatchery had too many extra black sex links that needed a home.

Did the hatchery packing information specifically say that all 16 of the chicks you have are BSL or are you assuming they are BSL because they look similar to the 6 you did order? Asking as it is possible that some of the packing peanuts are not BSL which would negate the presence/absence of head spot in regards to gender determination.

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