Modern game bantams...

All moderns should have red ear lobes and single combs. Skin and ear lobe colour are breed (not variety) characteristics. Some breeds have multiple comb types allowed, but moderns are not one; males must be dubbed by November of the year they hatch (although a bird too young for dubbing is also too young to show).
Thanks,I didn't know if it changed in the updated SOP, the breeder my friend got her splash from told her the splash was blue the other varieties red. My SOP not current so I thought I would check with SOP splash breeders on this thread. Thank you for the responses.
Do i have smaller than average birds or do people online just know how to make their birds appear larger? She is almost one year old exactly and doesn't seem much bigger than when i brought her home.


This is our girl. Moderns are small bantams. Exceptionally large birds are undesirable. There is a large fowl version of modern game birds.

This is our girl. Moderns are small bantams. Exceptionally large birds are undesirable. There is a large fowl version of modern game birds.

Well that's good to know at least. Our three girls are so small a cardinal could give them a run for their money and they are a year old now.
If i wanted to add a rooster and put my three modern hens in a breeding pen what would be the preferable rooster color? I've got two lemon blue splash and one lemon blue. There is a BB Red pair for sale local.
From my understanding you will get varieties that not recognized by the APA/ ABA, I know my brown-red rooster over my splash will make lemon blue (unrecognized). Unrecognized just means if you show them the best the can do I'd best variety they can not win best of breed. I believe a BB red will have the same results. Lemon blue offspring

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