I have a twin to the above. ;)

I got eggs from Amy of west knoll and I got 7 beautiful lil chicks. I got 2 ice blues and 2 dark blues and 3 blacks. All mottled and only 1 fizzled. I just adore them and all but 2 will become future breeders.
So my mottled cochin Sophie has just come out of her molt and she is Sooo much whiter now :)

Shes a quick one and wont hold still much. Lol

Little speed demon lol

Hey All, I just got 5 cochin bantam chicks over the weekend. They where/are supposed to be Mottled Cochin bantam chicks but I'm starting to think they are Not :( I'm thinking they are just Black Cochin Bantams. What do you all think they are Mottled or Blacks?
Ok, I have a question for all the experienced breeders here. I have bantam Black mottled roo. He has nice type, but............................. has red leakage in his hackles and shoulders. Should I use him in my breeding program ? I hatched a couple of his chicks. The first set has no red leakage. The second set, the pullet has a tiny bit in her neck feathers, the cockerel has a washed out red tint in some of his hackle feathers.

Help, not sure which direction to go in.
They could certainly be mottled at this age. Mottled little ones look like that. You will have to wait. The mottled feathers don't show up for a while.
At what age? I picked up what they said was a black that is 5 weeks old and there is a little white on the wings and under chest? my hope is that it is Mottled, just wondering when that appears?

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