Hey everyone! I desperately need help deciding what to get! Finally I have found two mottled bantam breeders here in pakistan after months of searching!
Here are pics if both the breeders bantams
Please tell me which breeders do you think are better quality wise
Breeder 1

Breeder 2

The top pic looks lime birds are younger than the other 2 pics...
I personally think both are equal in quality do to many faults that i see.
But if it where me, i think i would buy both if you can. That way you can mix match them plus i think the boy from the top is better... but hens are equal looking to me from both.
But what sticks out to me, is none are show quality and all of them have really low hanging wing sets... but ya can work on it.
But if i had to pick only 1, it would be the top pic.
I agree, none are such good quality
But these are the best available here in pakistan, so I'll have to work with them :(
This is Domino (mottled bantam cochin)... I got him/her at around 18 weeks and can't tell if I have a roo or hen. I'm estimating him/her to be about 22 weeks, along with its flock (a barred rock, old english game, wellsumers). None have started to lay yet, but combs are turning pink. I'm thinking I may have a hen?


This is Domino (mottled bantam cochin)... I got him/her at around 18 weeks and can't tell if I have a roo or hen. I'm estimating him/her to be about 22 weeks, along with its flock (a barred rock, old english game, wellsumers). None have started to lay yet, but combs are turning pink. I'm thinking I may have a hen?

Pullet :)

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