Murray McMurray hatchery???????

Got my second orer from McM today. The rare exotic had been long gone when we picked them up at the PO today :( Totally flattened on the bottom of the box :/ It was a silver laced polish. Other then it the other's all appear to be doing well so far, tired from the long trip to the PO, then across the border to Canada and another few hours to get home, but all are eating and drinking. :)

Sorry about the poor little polish, glad the others seem to be doing OK. That is a long trip for the little guys.
I ordered started pullets 3 Buff Orpingtons & 1 Easter Egger from Murray McMurray Hatchery, but they actually came from B & D Farm?

The day I picked them up, one of them had clear nasal discharge & was sneezing. She is in quarantine, but - being a first time backyard chicken owner - I am freaking out a bit because I have no clue what to do. She is otherwise, alert (& would be active if she were back outside.)
Snot and sneezing....coryza perhaps? I'd probably cull her, maybe try some antibiotics if i felt really froggy and watch the others closely. As someone else said chickens don't just get colds....then again that's a real heartache because those started pullets are really expensive. I've given you what I would probably do but also if it was me I'd wait for a few people to give their opinions. Anybody?
These birds were shipped to you? As long as the discharge is clear and the bird looks and acts normal, I would probably put it down to the shipping, especially if they had an airline flight. Are these the only four birds you have? I would definitely keep them quarantined away from any other birds you have. With each other, if they came from the same place, they were probably housed together.
Have you reported the potentially sick bird to the hatchery (do it asap, even if the bird winds up fine).
McMurray is a hatchery that handles day-old chicks, there are various farms that they act as a middleman for that supply their older birds and waterfowl etc.
These birds were shipped to you? As long as the discharge is clear and the bird looks and acts normal, I would probably put it down to the shipping, especially if they had an airline flight. Are these the only four birds you have? I would definitely keep them quarantined away from any other birds you have. With each other, if they came from the same place, they were probably housed together.
Have you reported the potentially sick bird to the hatchery (do it asap, even if the bird winds up fine).
McMurray is a hatchery that handles day-old chicks, there are various farms that they act as a middleman for that supply their older birds and waterfowl etc.

Yes, I only have these 4 because I just wanted some layers and I can only have up to 4 hens in my city (and no roosters.)

I email B & D and this is the response:
"We're happy that your girls arrived! We fully vaccinate our birds and send only healthy ones. We've heard about this happening and we think the stress of the trip affects some birds worse than others. Shipping brings down the immune system and causes them to react almost like a cold. It will heal up in a week. Just add 1/4th cup of Braggs organic apple cider vinegar to the water and some ground up garlic cloves. This should help. Also the saw dust doesn't help them breathing it in for all those hours. We've lost so many birds due to the post office not being gentle transporting our birds. Keep us posted on how they're doing and if you have any questions feel free to ask us."

I did have just the one in quarantine, but I decided I would try this. Also, because they all came from the same place and had been together on a flight (in shipment,) I was told if she really is sick; if one has it, they probably all do.
I guess I'll have to be on the hunt for some of them. I was really looking forward to the super chocolate eggs :(
I'm in Canada so it seems there is less variety and more hoops for me to jump through, luckily i'm close to the border and have a US shipping address so I can go over and bring stuff back. Guess I'll just wait for one of my girls to go broody and hopefully order some eggs for her to hatch. Thanks for the info! :)
Since you have a US shipping address, try 2XLMarans for eggs and/or chicks. They're out of Arp, TX, raise show birds, so good quality stock. I have received 2 shipments of eggs from them (12 in first one, 14 in second one), and ended up with a 50% hatch rate (in the middle of the dog days of summer, no less) for shipped eggs. I was REALLY pleased with the chicks I've hatched from them (2-1/2 weeks old and 1-week old now), they are very friendly, docile birds. They have several varieties of Marans... mine were the FBCM. Google 2XLMarans and you'll find their website.
Personally I have had a great experience with Murray McMurray. All of my chicks were active and bright eyed when I picked them up. It was July 1 and I cranked the heat up in my car as high as it would go to keep them from catching a chill. I thought I was going to suffocate, but they were well worth it!

Here I have barred rocks, a partridge rock, buff rock. I have more breeds from them too. Very happy!
Since you have a US shipping address, try 2XLMarans for eggs and/or chicks. They're out of Arp, TX, raise show birds, so good quality stock. I have received 2 shipments of eggs from them (12 in first one, 14 in second one), and ended up with a 50% hatch rate (in the middle of the dog days of summer, no less) for shipped eggs. I was REALLY pleased with the chicks I've hatched from them (2-1/2 weeks old and 1-week old now), they are very friendly, docile birds. They have several varieties of Marans... mine were the FBCM. Google 2XLMarans and you'll find their website.

Thanks for the link, I am wanting to order some Marans for my flock next year!
Ordered 15 rainbow layers, they should be coming in on the 17th. I hate waiting for chicks, now I have to sit here and look at the brooder for the next week and a half until they get here. This is my first time ordering from there, hoping it goes well, and my chicks come in chirping and happy.

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