Murray McMurray hatchery???????

I have gotten a batch of 25 chicks , pullets, assorted breeds, 3 times over the last 20 years or so. I have had very good luck, nice birds, good survival.

So, out of my entire shipment of birds from McMurray Hatchery this year... ONE rooster. Can you believe it?? I got one gorgeous black frizzle cochin rooster that I am very happy to keep. Every single other batch - all straight run, even my full sized BLR Wyandottes - all hens. Just a sampling of my beautiful birds in the picture - the only one that didn't come from McMurray was the blue easter egger hen - she's from North 40 (not sure where they get their birds from).
Hi Jeremy Just to let you know Mcmurry hatchery has good quality birds I have dealt with them for about 10 years in chickens and geese and other breeds they have always shipped on time and arrived in good health. They will some times send a free chick from there exotic breeds as a thank you.
I have admit I have healthy chicks from MM but not in pressed with I did get. I ordered 15 brown egg layers,2 llight brahamas one ends being a rooster, 3 white giants so far I am thinking pullets, out of the fifteen at 16 weeks old I have 3 dark Cornish and two are roosters, 3 astrlops for sure is a rooster, 3 new hamp pullets? I got two white ones one a rooster 1 pullet and have green legs and they are not ee"s I have 2 mstery one is a rooster and one not sure its a speckled Sussex and of course got five EE's I did order and a couple more I am not sure of. One EE is going to have to culled because I didn't noticed till last week all his or her toes are crooked and actually look rubbery strange I know. I don,t think with the price I paid for these birds to be pullets I will not order from them again.
I have just recently gotten Black Australorp pullets from a farm that buys all of their eggs from them. The pullets are doing great!!! They are all laying good quality eggs.
That is awesome, I'm too scared to do a straight run. I can't keep a rooster where I am and can't kill one either.LOL
You can choose to order just female pullets from most hatcheries. McMurray is one of them. That way you know for sure you are getting hens. Obviously a lot more expensive that way, but for me I had an instant new flock!
I did order pullets that is what I paid for. I am not saying I won't order from them again but I will be more careful what I order. The main thing is they all are healthy and doing well at 17 weeks.

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