Muscovy Duck Incubating Chicken Eggs?

Sandra Dreger

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 3, 2014
Hello. I am wondering if anyone has had success using their Muscovy hens to hatch Chicken Eggs? I have read some information, but am still not quite sure if I will be successful. One of my Muscovy hens is sitting now and the eggs are due to hatch next week. Another Muscovy hen has starting laying. I have Maran eggs arriving next week and would like to put these under Muscovy for incubation. I think that by next week, she will have laid enough eggs that she will want to sit on the nest.
Any advise/thoughts would be most helpful. This is my first time hatching any type of eggs!
Only try if they are already broody. If they are set to hatch in a week, don't add the chicken eggs. If a broody Muscovy hen has been broody for about two weeks, then add the chicken eggs. It should be fine.
Thanks for your reply! Yes, my thought was to let my hen set up her nest and that by next week she will be ready broody and then I would do a switch on the eggs. I am eager to see how the first Muscovy girl does with her hatch. 35 days will be April 3rd. I already have the plan in place to isolate her and the babies from Drake. Very excited! I will construct an incubator for the "just in case" plan.
Will do. Thanks for your replies. Will keep you posted on the progress.
Animal in the background, which I didn't notice before sharing is my puppies stuffed toy, and not a deceased animal BTY :)

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Update: After posting this question, one of my Buffs decided to go broody. So I placed 12 eggs under her and all is well so far. This was on March 28th.
My Muscovy who was already sitting on eggs is still doing well. And the most exciting part is I heard peeps coming from her eggs tonight! Day 35 is tomorrow, so I think she seems to be right on schedule for a hatch .How long will it take now for the ducklings to emerge? I am so excited that I can't stand it!
My other Muscovy who was just starting her clutch, has now put 12 eggs in the nest! I expect she will start her sitting any day now :)

I have the nursery all set up, so now I just have to be patient.......

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