Muscovy keepers share your pics!

I have been procrastinating on it, it needs done now, it is nasty, but I don't do it all that often. The ducks love it whether it is clean or dirty and the fish keep the water circulating. I would say I would like to be cleaning it (drained and scrubbed) once a month.... but I don't. I skim it when it gets real bad or the dust storms blow junk in it and we dredge it maybe every couple weeks. It is about knee deep in the ground. it was an entire day's project to sink it into the ground. It is a preformed plastic pond I bought off the neighbor.

Houdini was named Houdini because the day I brought her home and put her out in the coop in the backyard with the chicks for the day I found her an hour later in the front of the house wandering into the street, and she always found a way to climb out of the brooder in the house and get into peril with the cats and dog. I had no idea she could squeeze through chicken wire holes. Pita was a very loud and annoying and generally caused chaos so he lives up to his name too. He is still a pain in the a**.
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Everyone, great pictures! Here are my latest babies:

12 more in the hatcher.

Certain words come to mind...'cute', 'aah', and 'my goodness, she´s crazy!'
Oh yeah guys on of my ducks has Enteritis and she's had it for about two months and I started her in penisilin 2 weeks ago and she's doing better only problem is that now she's anemic :/ so looks like I'm kinda back to square one also because te anima makes her immune system lower
Here's my babies! Any tips on gender?

Top one is bigger than bottom one.
Difficult to tell at this young age, but that bottom one does seem to have a lot of tail-end on it....that could be a male, but then it could just be the way it´s standing in the water to post pics when their feathers are coming through and they´ve grown a bit.

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