Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Hey is there a way to clip female muscovy wings so they can't fly at all?
clip one wing according to this diagram.
clip one wing according to this diagram.
That's all I do. Unfortunately they grow back and figure out they can fly again. Seven of my guineas roosted 60 feet up a tree tonight after figuring that out.

Any time they do that, I always have casualties due to owls. Sigh....

P.S. Good diagram for those that have never clipped flight feathers before.
pics please omg i LOVEEE guineas, i really want a lavender one but i wouldn't know the first thing about caring for it as i do my ducks
I think I have two lavenders left.

They are pretty easy to care for. They are loud and eat just about anything a chicken does. You just have to be careful that they don't fly off. And predators absolutely love them and go after them. Owls stalk mine nightly so I really have to make sure that they all get locked up as they prefer to roost in trees. They can often scare off predators during the day with their screeches but at night they are very vulnerable. I think wild animals mistake them for pheasants. Owls have worked in pairs to kill my guineas. One will scare them and when they run to the other side of the enclosure and stick their heads out, the other owl will ambush them.

So I highly recommend a mesh in which they cannot stick their heads out of. So far keeping them safe from owls has been my biggest challenge with them. I started with 17 and am down to 10.

I'll try to take some pictures. I actually have them penned with my Muscovy's at this time and some bachelor roosters. They all seem to be doing well.
Sorry about the picture quality. They are only excited to see me first thing in the morning when I have their breakfast. And the light was shining right at me. So seeing me right now, they threw a fuss and avoided me.

OMG u just made my day XD thanx so much for posting some pics u don't know how much i want a guinea, but i want it as a baby so it can imprint and stuff. And btw i've never had a chicken lol only muscovies and mandarins for this guy XD

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