My barn cat appeared dead

Something similar happened to one of our barn cats. I found her wedged between a hay bale and the horses stall. Little bit of blood around mouth, she was still alive but she couldn't walk and was using the restroom on herself. We rushed her to the vet and had to euthanize her. Vets best guess is either she was hit by a car and managed to crawl back and wedge herself between the hay and stall because it is safe or she ingested some type of poison. Could have been from eating a rodent who ingested poison or she ingested it at the neighbors property. It is highly unlikely he was crushed, when cats are hurt those are the exact spots they find to conceal themselves because they know they are vulnerable. I would say he was unfortunately either hit by a car or ingested poison somehow. I am sorry, I was heart broken when this happened to my barn cat. She was only 2 years old as well. 😔
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So sorry for your loss! It's gut wrenching! I too, think that he was injured/suffered trauma and went to hide by the haybale!

Not many people do this, but if you really want answers, a necropsy is always a possibility.
So sorry for your loss. I always thought that cats search for a safe place when they get injured. For example after a traffic incident, when they can still walk, they try to get to safety. Maybe your cat did something like that and this was a comfortable place for him.

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