My chickens on ABC's Nightline tonight!!

I saw it too! Great piece...there was even a story in our local paper today about backyard chickens, it's GREAT!
You and your girls were wonderful! I want to show that to everyone so they will stop thinking I am the crazy chicken lady! I love your chickens too. That polish is to die for.

Good job!!
Thanks for the nice comments. The film crew was really nice and two of them (out of 4) had close ties to chickens (family members), so it was a pretty warm and fuzzy experience.

So you noticed the burnt eggs! Ha I'm busted. That is my great shame, because I actually consider myself a good cook.

They wanted me to fry eggs for the sound (as opposed to poaching them). I thought they had finished filming, so I turned the heat up so it would sizzle more. When Jeremy wanted to eat them I was mortified because not only were they a bit burnt on the bottom, but they were pretty raw on top. I commented that I wasn't going to be asked to be on Iron Chef, but they edited that out.

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