My chickens on ABC's Nightline tonight!!

Great job!
Shows like this may help those who are trying to legalize chickens in their town!
Oh my gosh.....that's too great!!! That segment puts us chickeners in a wonderful positive spotlight! It makes us seem"NORMAL". So others don't say...."what a chicken as a pet?, that is so weird here in the city".
So HA!!! to all those people who think I am strange for having chickens and a duck as a pet!!!!!
I shall email that segment to some of my daughters friends moms who think it's unhealthy and we are bizarre people for having chickens and a duck. They will let my daughter come to their house, but will not let their kids come to mine! I will post a picture of my backyard as soon as I get my camera battery charged.

Great segment!
Great job. You give a good name to keeping hens!

I was told that I couldn't order less than 25 so had to buy my six in a feed store which had limited available breeds from which to choose. From whom did you order?

Thanks for sharing!
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I ordered from and was able to order 3 chickens of different breeds. I highly recommend them. The chicks came alert and very healthy.

I'm glad the nightline piece met with approval. And thanks for all of the nice notes. I have a post on my blog of the first year with the girls if anyone is interested. You can see how the chicks were shipped.
Not dorky at all! Thanks for bringing chickens to the attention of the general viewing audience. Oh, and my hubby calls it chicken porn too!!!
How wonderful !! We are about 2hrs from you in NJ & get a lot of people from the city wanting to buy some chickens. You didnt look dorky at all ! Great Job !!!!!

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