My Christmas EGG TREE!

Thank you!! I think I've discovered a small problem with the voting....Some folks think they're voting by clicking on the picture BUT that doesn't count!

You have to click on the circle next to the #35 in the TAN RECTANGLE and then scroll to the bottom & click VOTE.

I'm hoping that explains a few things about the voting percentages, b/c the support I'm getting is HUGE on Facebook and BYC.

Keep doing what you're doing! I appreciate it luvinmychickens!!
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!........i hope that isnt whats happening kathy!...i also read a comment that they love egg tree #34!!!! are #35!!!!!!
good luck i am still voting!!!!.....VOTE EVERYONE...for.... KATHY M....#35 !!!!!!!
Ok Peeps, there is only one way we're going to pull this off and that's if everyone votes AND SHARES on their Facebook wall, this BYC forum and in a stadium full of iPhones! LOL

We're in third place and still have good momentum but we need a lot more votes to catch up as the other trees got a head start on us by a week or more. Thanks for your help & chatter on this thread will help keep the thread live, so keep it live!

TREE #35 Kathy M (vote UNDER all the photos, not on the photo!)

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