My EEs egg color changed from blue to brown!

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14 Years
Jun 18, 2009
I've had two EE girls for about 10 days now - one hen about 2 years old and a pullet. The first two days the hen was here she laid a large blue egg and then nothing till today when I watched her lay a large light brown egg.

I thought they didn't change egg color? I wasn't surprised that she quit laying for a bit since this is a new home but I watched her lay the first day and it was definitely a blue/green and I watched her lay a light brown today so I'm positive they're from the same girl - I even took a picture of the first blueish one!

They have freechoice 20% layer pellets, freechoice oystershell/grit mix, get scratch a few times a week as well as yogurt with hardboiled eggs. Durvet's vitamin/electrolyte premix is added to their water every time it's changed and they free range about 3 hours 3X a week. What's going on?
Interesting. Mine changes from a pale green to a bold aqua color and everything in between.

My RIRs lay the same colored eggs everyday. In fact, I can tell which one has laid by the shade of the egg shell.

I will be interested to see other folks' responses.
Hey, I'm not the only one with a weird chicken. My EE lays sky blue eggs in the summer and light brown eggs in the winter. I know for a fact that they are hers because the 10 other chickens with her lay huge brown eggs. Her eggs are about half the size of everyone elses. She stops laying for about 2 weeks before they change colors. Crazy!
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a color changing hen! Here's a picture of the first egg she laid here - it was much darker and bluer in reality, and then yesterday's brown egg. Definitely out of the same hen and totally different colors. I'm happy she's laying at all but I hope the blue comes back.


Wow, i had no idea that they could change colors. I knew they changed a tiny bit in shade color but not green or blue to brown. I always heard they didnt change egg color. There is proof that it does happen though. Wonder if we can find out why that happens.
I'd love to know why it happens. Can chickens be chimeras? Could her move and her half-hearted molt have switched her over to brown layer genes if she is one? I was so excited about colored eggs which is why I wanted a hen already laying so that I'd know I'd get blue eggs, but madam Pikachu has foiled my plans.
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