my first eggs!! who laid them?

5x5, does it get cold where you live. I understand you need a little more space if you keep them cooped up during winter. But I'm not sure. I've been a chicken isn't for less than a week lol :-D
ha cooped up lol I believe that was the first time ever I used the literal meaning of the term "cooped up" lol
Rather than approaching it from a "how many birds can I fit in there" point of view (which can lead to overcrowding and a less than desirable life for the birds involved), think of it as "how much space can I give to each bird" -- it is *possible* to shove birds into ridiculously tiny crowded spaces (consider the life of battery hens), but it is desirable to provide a better life than that, right? A common rule of thumb that is used with chickens is a minimum of 4 square feet per bird in the coop with 10 square feet in the run --- sure, plenty of people give their birds less space than that, but if you can do better by your birds, why not?
My first 2 eggs were peewee sized the next 4 were soft shelled I have 6 Rhode island reds,,,is this normal cause they are still young? Please help
Rather than approaching it from a "how many birds can I fit in there" point of view (which can lead to overcrowding and a less than desirable life for the birds involved), think of it as "how much space can I give to each bird" -- it is *possible* to shove birds into ridiculously tiny crowded spaces (consider the life of battery hens), but it is desirable to provide a better life than that, right? A common rule of thumb that is used with chickens is a minimum of 4 square feet per bird in the coop with 10 square feet in the run --- sure, plenty of people give their birds less space than that, but if you can do better by your birds, why not?
true but how many could i fit i have a 12 by 12 run and a 4 by 5 coop

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