My Hatching Journey: the Adventures of a Complete Newbie

With your luck, I wouldn't doubt it

maybe not so bad her son and DL were really nice to work for. but no hot joggers though .
like at their house job perks you know .
Can't breathe through my nose... can't taste anything... stupid head cold... I'll survive... back to fireplace heat though...


You let me know when you need help training that horse...
Get well soon... :hugs

K, if you need a horse, you should look into Missouri Fox Trotters. Best breed ever, IMHO.... Gentle and smooth to ride. I know one that you could bring in from the pasture with a lead rope alone and ride bareback. Such wonderful horses.
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Did my candle, 2 blood rings (confirmed by cracking) and one with veins and another with a moving black dot. The rest were all pretty clear, no obvious veining, but nothing saying they were not alive. Down to 13, 8 BSL and 5 EE.

The one with the blood ring I had accidentally put upside down, (
) it was a very round egg. BUT, when I cracked it, I could see eyes on the embryo! Sad, but very cool. The other blood ring was just a ring and no baby. Sorry, I didn't get pics of the dead ones. On another EE, there was a light ring ish thing, but I left it as I was not sure that it was not veins.
The one with definite veining is a EE, the mover is a BSL.

Veins!!! Very hard to se, but they are there!

The ones with blood rings:

great on the swimmer
sorry about the rings . did you candle from the bottom at all? the eggs look really dark blue and they can be harder to see in than dark brown. think I would candle on the tenth day . the air cells look good . are they like that on the clear ones ?

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