My hen isn't acting like a hen.


Hope this helps
you will know your chickens better than anyone if you've got an problem with over crowding and space you would probably see issues between a lot of your birds like feather pecking and stress related issues but if its just one hen shes probably dominant so a rooster would help good luck xx
Hi tblee
If you read some of Chickengirly's other posts you will find that she has already had problems with pecking combs and drawing blood, which suggests overcrowding to me. Then when she mentioned 20 square feet (which would be 5ft x 4 feet) I was concerned that adding a rooster might only make matters worse.


If possible you could try adding in perches or boredom buster activities I rake up leaves and mix in mealworms for them to find and hang cabbages and turn over soil for them to find bugs and worms give thm something else to think about...little angels really xx Don't ya just love them they got us all puzzling away all over the world.:D
We found a turken rooster that sounds like a goo addition to the flock. I think we're gonna get him. He comes with one turken hen, and two chicks that are adorable!

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