My hens are working together with their chicks

I put a few pics in an album in the gallery. The chicks are getting rid of the baby fuzz and some are starting to change colors. It'll be very interesting to see what I end up with.
chick 20180727 b.jpg
chick 20180727d.jpg
When I got the eggs (from a lady on Craigslist), she said they had a Black Langshan rooster and a Golden Laced Brahma rooster. Their hens are Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. When they hatched out, they were all primarily black with white on their butts and some had white on their head and chest. Now some are getting some reddish color to them.
Your little family sounds awesome! Bet you have more chicks than you planned and and needed!! That's chicken math for you!! :D

you know it! I had seen so many posts on FB and here saying they only get a few chicks out of the hatch, and how so often some chicks don't survive. For the price I paid for the eggs, I wouldn't have been surprised if none of them were fertile. I just did it to give the hen a purpose to her setting. LOL Little did I know that I would get 11 live, healthy chicks out of the dozen eggs. I will definitely have to be rehoming some.

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