My leukemia's back.

I watched as the other grand kids went in different directions, but I preferred the company of my Grand parents.
They were fun and sweet and really cool.They kept me laughing.

I knew my husband was really the one when my grandfather took me aside and said, 'This is a good man,"

I had my birthdays there, I brought the boyfriend there. I still miss them everyday, but I have no regrets that I wasted any time not being with them.
People like that are rare and few between. Love them while you have them.
thank you I'll try and get those stats for you.....
okay before I forget....Lil Alice was. 8 lbs 14 oz. 20 3/4"
I love the name Alice.

I don't get to go see my family over the mountains for Christmas this year, the weather is too bad. I have a sister visiting from Arkansas for winter break. If the roads thaw I may make it over before she leaves, but I'm not holding my breath. It would be nice as I didn't get to see her when she was here last summer. But not worth going off the road. Those passes are scary
, not to mention the other drivers. We'll just hunker down here at home and watch movies or something.
I was wondering if you were doing better. Sorry it's being so slow.

I'm okay-ish. Still coughing stuff up from time to time, but not excessively short of breath. I did manage to do some cleaning of the breeding pens today, pitching heavy wet bedding and pushing/dumping the wheelbarrow. I got WAY too optimistic loading the barrow the first time, though. Couldn't budge the thing an inch! Had to get the other barrow, fork small amounts of the wet bedding into it, dump that, repeat until the main barrow was light enough for me to move. Sucks being weak! This was also broken up by vigorous bouts of sitting on a hay bale, watching the barn cat.

I did get a little work out this morning. I didn't shut the stall when feeding and my wench mare Daffy got out. Usually, we have an understanding that we're both too old and fat to play the chase me games, but she was full of vinegar today due to the wind. Our deal is, if she won't come to me, she's got to be moving. No standing and eating. So, I got to chase her over the pasture and into the garden. I'm not much for chasing these days, but thankfully she's not much for running. Roscoe did try to help, she tapped him with a hind foot for his trouble. He decided to stay closer to me after that
. I didn't mind so much her being out, but she sure tore the pasture up quite a bit with all the running around. Then, out of the blue, she turns and faces me and has this total "Oh, are you out here for me?" look. I cluck to her and she walks right up to me and drops her head for the lead rope. Wench. Then when I put her back in the paddock, she had to go kick the crap out of the other mare for daring to eat her hay while Daffy was out gallivanting around. Yep, Big Excitement at the One Acre Swamp.

Looks so sweet and innocent, doesn't she?

Rachel, that sweet little horse gave you all that trouble? No way...look at that innocent expression!

You take care of yourself!
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