My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

Saw some blood clots today. :( All the big chicks are sick except Bitsy. I put the little chicks into the 3 tote brooder, along with Bitsy. They love it in there. (Bitsy would rather be outside). The treatmant we are doing is ACV, totally strip and clean the coop, and we are using Essential Oils
Do you know what it is? Why did you put the sick chicks in with Bitsy if she is not sick?

If you haven't had them long I'd contact the seller.
Put a chicken wire divider in the coop,Bitsy and 'her chicks' stay in there. A nice neighbor gave us an old wire cage and I patched it up with some chicken wire. Now Bitsy can enjoy some sun and grass outside. Bitsy is really wanting her friends, she might be able to go with them tonight, have to do some more poop inspection. :I

The little chicks also get to see the other chicks, so hopefully not a lot of fighting when they start living together with no divider. I hope Bailey (that un-named pullet has a name), Buddy and Hedwig recover soon. Anyways, they got some bread yesterday. I am going to start training them. The article is on the home carousel.

Anyways, that's about it for now!
My friend got her brochin chick and took some Leghorns for company, she borrowed them lol!

The Rooster is 2 months old and 1 week, anyone guess what he;s doing? At least trying too?

That's right! Crowing, my dad and my friend heard him, but not me.. All the chickens are fine, and Bitsy has been reunited with her friends, and the 4 little 3 weekerss I have are fine, they are growinng! They got some outside time.. Brief Update, a HUGE one this weekend.

Until THen,
Remember to check this thread just in case!
Thanks! Sorry I have been so late in getting pics up, but my mom is due this weekend. But some day they will magically appear! ;)

The little chickies are escape artists, they found out if they scratch underneath the chicken wire they can get out. :0
Sooo I had to put them in a cage instead, serves them right too! Would they rather be dead, injured or in a cage? I would pick the latter. :/
Whew! Busy week.

We have a new addition to our family! Miss Zoe Idelette was born at 6:10pm yesterday, weighing 7 pounds, 19 inches, and is super uber cute!!!

The big chickens, update for each:

Buddy: Is getting better at crowing, and crows many times in his 'sets' each day. Sounds horrible sometimes. He is also very pretty, getting creme/white feathers in with his orangeish!

Hedwig: Not much luck on training her to not be flighty, she's a smart chicken... sometimes, she fell off the roof the other day LOL!

Bailey: Pretty chickie is starting to get wattles and her comb is getting pinker instead of tan.

Bitsy: ''

Group: One night we brought them in the mudroom, because the coop was leaking REALLY bad with a storm, and now they think it is their home...

Little chicks, update for each:

Mr. Fly: Leghorn Cockerel got a name... He is so flightly by nature!! They all got moved to a wire cage, because he kept escaping!

Leghorn: Unknown if is pullet or rooster, but it liked to escape too...

Frodo: Good chickie, Leghorns have a bad effect with their flightiness... Pretty sure roo

Sam: Pretty sure pullet.. ''
I just found this thread and have enjoyed reading it. Learned a lot too. Such a cute little baby. Congrats big sis'!

Can't wait to see pics of your coop. Are you using pallets to make it? I have a lot of pallets available to me and have wondered if I could incorporate them into my chicken yard.

My teenage daughter & I just started keeping chickens this year and we have no clue what we are doing but are getting educated through BYC. It's such an amazing resource.

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