My Peachicks Of 2013 **Will Have Lots Of Pics**


May I ask a question, I just hatching out my first batch of peachicks today (Pictures coming tomorrow), four in all hoping for another tomorrow. 3 out of the 4 chicks are solid white. The parents are either a Black Shoulder Peacock with a hen that is a BS or a Pied (I think she is BS but I can not tell, pic above of what she kind of looks likes) or a Black shoulder Peacock with a IB. So I am wandering how I ended up with white peachicks.

Thanks for any help.
C-bee-a-pea beautiful peahen,congrats on the newbies.I hace 3 peas due next weekend ,sooo excited to c if they hatch bc they r shipped eggs.Anyway to ypur question....Yoda would ve the one I think can help with your question the best...
Goid luck in your learning process.

May I ask a question, I just hatching out my first batch of peachicks today (Pictures coming tomorrow), four in all hoping for another tomorrow. 3 out of the 4 chicks are solid white. The parents are either a Black Shoulder Peacock with a hen that is a BS or a Pied (I think she is BS but I can not tell, pic above of what she kind of looks likes) or a Black shoulder Peacock with a IB. So I am wandering how I ended up with white peachicks.

Thanks for any help.
Black shoulder chicks look white when they hatch but as the start to get feathers growing in the dark feathers start to show. If you look closely at the wing feathers they should look a little cream color. Chick 6 on page 4 is a BS and chick 8 on page 5 is also a black shoulder so you can see that they do look white. All the first hatches upo to chick 6 that are white are white not BS as I thought they were. All chicks from the pair BS peacock with a BS shoulder hen (the picture above is a IB BS hen) will give you all BS chicks and the other pair BS to IB hen will give you all IB chicks split BS
If you observe very closely as soon as they are dry and pluffy, the first half of blackshoulder chicks wings look white and the other half of look very light peach or brown, On the other hand the whole wings of a white peachick look completely white. The differences in wing appearance are very clearly visible and easily observable in blackshoulder chicks.. In order to get white chicks, both the Black shoulder parents must be split to white
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I was seperating some 1 year olds today and one group was in a very high pen all the time so although I knew what chicks was inside the pen,today was the first time they have met the ground,and me a chance to actually see and sex some of them.One hen I had marked as a Midnight b/s is clearly an Opal b/s hen because she has several gray tail feathers.Another thing I noticed was a midnight b/s male that is white for the most part,making me wonder once again if the seller of those eggs actually even knew what was inside his pens,this same breeder sold me the Midnight eggs and of the 5 that hatched,the lone male was an IB B/S,,,so he was sold and I bought a true midnight b/s male last spring.
But one chick has me stumped. Both wing bands were gone,but it's clear this bird is Bronze as dark as it is. I say "It" because behind it's neck if the normal crest of feathers we see when a male is displaying. All these feathers have white outlines.The rest of the bird is 100% bronze in color,only these feathers directly behind the neck have white coming on them.I have birds I raised that are carrying white so some back feathers are oulined in white but this bronze bird only has this behind it's neck and every feather is that way,,progressive bronze pied starting early?? Not sure if it has a throat patch,will check that tomorrow. The only Bronze b/s chick I hatched turned out to be a male that hopefully is split to b/s,because it looks 100% bronze,the egg came from DAS here on byc.My lone charcoal hatchling from last year looks 100% IB,,but his father is white eye and dark pied,his mother is an ib/bs split to charcoal from Bradd Leggs.It's amazing what you finally see when you cannot see 100% of the bird for over a year.Today these birds was put on dirt for the first time and I still have 1 more group to move to dirt. I also noticed in this move the Opal chick I knew I had looks to be a Opal b/s male now.
Edited to add,this bronze chick has no barring so appears to be a hen from all outward appearances except for the fact of the feathers behind the neck,,,unless it is a b/s male?
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It is really cool seeing all the colors,never thought there were that many colors n breed catergories on peafowl....interesting the colir genetics,but too much for me to

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