My rabbits gave birth early, why?


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2020
Wondering if anyone can shed any light on this situation?
I mixed my 1 male rabbit with my 4 female rabbits for an afternoon, and on day 26 after mating (is that not a bit early for rabbits also??) 2 of the females gave birth in the early morning. All babies seemed ok.
We have done the same thing 26 was yesterday (Tuesday) and no babies, last Friday I shut the two rabbits I had spotted nesting and starting to fur pull in separate small hutches to protect them and any potential babies over the weekend when I couldn’t check them so frequently. However I let them out yesterday after no babies appeared. They also both stopped nesting completely while in the small hutches (stress?) but I have just spotted one of them carrying around a mouthful of hay so I think nesting has started again.
Is it still likely I will get healthy babies? I have no idea what litters they have had before now, 1 of the potential mums is fron the 2 that had babies the last time . I just thought it was weird how they both gave birth apparently a few days too early for the last litter. Today is day 28. Any help appreciated, thanks
Not a rabbit expert by any means, but I know that some animals (humans included) are very influenced by the tides and atmospheric pressure. If a pregnant animal is just about ready to give birth and the conditions get really good, they will do it a bit early. If you look at birth records there are actually trends for them to kind of group up around certain celestial events.
Not a rabbit expert by any means, but I know that some animals (humans included) are very influenced by the tides and atmospheric pressure. If a pregnant animal is just about ready to give birth and the conditions get really good, they will do it a bit early. If you look at birth records there are actually trends for them to kind of group up around certain celestial events.
Hmm interesting, I know some animals can delay implantation of an egg if conditions are bad. They are smallish crossbreed rabbits and its still not 30 days so I will give them a few more days. I did find something about rabbits delaying birth but it increases risk of kits being stillborn, hope that doesn’t happen.
Considering that the normal gestation for rabbits is only about 31 days, a couple of days more or less can make a very big difference. I know, a lot of people talk like giving birth at 28 days is "normal," but the only times I have had litters born that young, there were a bunch of babies (like, 12 -15), and they were tiny. I have had does miscarry/give birth prematurely due to stress, but the earliest that I remember surviving were (I think) born on day 27, and they had a bit of a "preemie" look about them. That you had babies born on day 26 is definitely strange, that two does did it, and the kits apparently all survived is almost miraculous.

Is there no way that a buck could have had access to the does a few days earlier - no chance of breeding through wire, or somebody putting rabbits together and not telling you?

Does normally start nest making a few days before they kindle, though unless you have a past history with a doe, you can't be sure what is "normal" for her. A lot of mine might pull a mouthful or two of hair to go with the hay beforehand, but if I see a nest box full of fur, I usually find babies under it . . . on day 31 or 32. Sounds like at least one of your girls is right on schedule, good luck!
Hmm interesting, I know some animals can delay implantation of an egg if conditions are bad. They are smallish crossbreed rabbits and its still not 30 days so I will give them a few more days. I did find something about rabbits delaying birth but it increases risk of kits being stillborn, hope that doesn’t happen.
Horses also drive their owners crazy, gestation is 11 months but can go close to a year if someone is doing foal watch and checking in on the mare every few hours throughout the night. If the mare is nervous about being bothered, she will just refuse to foal until someone finally gets a good nights sleep and then there is a baby when they go look in the morning.

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