My Rooster's butt is very red, swollen and warm . . . I am going to try to post a picture. He seems

[email protected]

In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 13, 2011
My big rooster's butt is very red and swollen. It has no feathers and it is warm to the touch. He seems to feel fine. I am rather new to chicken life. Is this normal or does he need some kind of treatment? Thanks. Jackie
I had a friend who had a hen that slowed down and got constipated (who knows why). With the poo stuck inside, the flies laid eggs inside her and then maggots ate it from the inside out. My advice would be, while you are researching, give him a warm sits bath (just warm water - only add tea tree oil if you find evidence of lice or mites) and then put him in a cage by himself. This won't fix anything (unless the problem is lice, then the sitz with tea tree will work wonders) but it will perhaps ease some discomfort and at might provide more clues as you research. And - on the off chance something similar is happening to your roo as what happened to my friend's cochin - a soak will expose maggots. They should float to the top.
Check the bath water and sink or whatever you soak him in for mite evidence. Tiny black specs, mites or mite poops. Also if you feel scabby type area on his belly-bottom area it probably is from mites.
2 of our boys had mites bad before we realized it, they lost feathers around the vent and were red and scabby under feathers. They were not that red however.
Mites can make chickens very uncomfortable and eventually will cause health problems. They also seem to come out of no where and cause problems fast. If you see evidence spray all your chickens. The easiest way to check is to look outside in the sun, they are hard to see. Look around the vent, under side of neck, under wings. The scabby areas is sing you have pretty bad infestation. Spay everyone down in 10 days as eggs will hatch again.
We use frontier spray for dog and puppies, one spray just below the vent and for muffed birds 1 spay in the muff.
I did not find out what was wrong. My rooster seems to feel fine. He does not have mites for lice. I just don't know. But, thanks for asking :)
My rooster's butt is bright red and bald as well! He acts completely normal. I cannot figure out what is wrong either. Please post if you ever figure it out!

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