My Rooster's butt is very red, swollen and warm . . . I am going to try to post a picture. He seems

I am curious to know in what breeds is the red-butted roo normal?

When I got my roo (he's an adult rescue) I was told his lack of tail feathers and bright red vent area (the whole butt actually) is perfectly normal. I've never had a tail-less red-butted roo before, so to me this does not seem normal...

I see no evidence of mites or other creepy crawlies, and there does not seem to be any excessive 'goosing' from the ladies.

Normal or not normal - that is my question.

My Beautiful Black Copper maran also has red butt area and in between his toes are red. He seems to be fine other wise and none of the hens have this condition. He is eating, crowing and being the man. I did smeared Drestin baby diaper rash cream all over his feet and legs. His bottom I left alone. Not sure what to do there. Any suggestions? We have had a lot of rain and the pen is wet, so they been on staying inside on the roosting bar. For the hens nesting area, I keep that bedding doused with sevin dust. The plastic pool outside in pen we use as the Dusting Bath with ashes but again, with all the rain, it is a big pool of goo. Any other suggestions on treatment for my boy, is alwasy very welcomed!!
A few of my eight week White Rock chicks are like that. They dont act discomforted, and they arn't sick. I'm not really worried, but its unusual. Mine arn't quite as bad, and its gone away some. It may just be a rash. And i think its on some of my roosters and hens. I hope there's nothing wrong! Maddi
Hi. I had this happen to all of my hens at one point. I had an open compost bin which the chickens would climb in and they were eating rotten and mouldy vegetables. If the butts dirty there's a good chance it's getting mouldy food somewhere which causes thrush. I treated with canesten cream daily and put nilstatin (thrush liquid medication) in water supply. Rule of thumb if its mouldy don't feed it to your chickens. Worse offenders old watermelon and corn. I got rid of compost.
I don't usually respond here but saw others' replies and thought you could use some sage advice. Sexually active roosters will have bright red skin on their bums, and sometimes on their feet, head, neck and abdomens. Where depends on the breed.

this is interesting. I picked up a rooster the other day and his vent area was bright red. Very healthy otherwise, no lice, worms, etc.
I am experiencing the exact same issue with my rooster (please see photos attached and apologize for the graphic photos). I am taking him to a vet tonight, and I will post an update as to what the issue may be.


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